Naughty All Night - Jennifer Bernard Page 0,98

and Kate love each other and want to be together.”

They glanced at each other and Kate twined her hand in his for support. Was this going to be difficult? She thought she had a good relationship with Dylan, but he was still mourning his mother. Maybe he didn’t want an interloper around while he got to know his father.

“Yes,” Darius said seriously. “All that is true. But that’s about as far as we got. We’re not making any plans without you—”

The boy interrupted him. “Can we forget this stupid Texas idea and just stay here?”

Darius’ jaw fell open. “You don’t want to go to Texas?”

“No way. I like it here. It’s a fresh start. Or it will be, after people get used to me. That’s what Maya says.”

Darius nodded slowly, as if he was afraid to hope it was all going to work out. “I’ll have to see if I can get my job back.”

“They’d better not turn down the hottie fire chief.” Kate squeezed his hand.

He raised an eyebrow at her. “There’s another problem. We’ll have to work it out with the landlady.”

“I was thinking maybe I could have the upstairs, like it could be my bedroom.” Dylan grinned, suddenly looking like an ordinary, carefree teenager. “That’s why I came up here before. I woke up early and I went upstairs so I could imagine living there. It looked like someone had messed with the door. I shouldn’t have gone in, that was stupid.”

“You were really brave, Dylan,” Kate told him. “Brave and a little reckless.”

“Maybe it runs in the family.” Dylan smirked.

Darius settled his arm over Kate’s shoulders. The strength and love flowing through it turned her heart into a glowing ball of joy. “We’ll think about your idea. Now how about you go tell the crew we’re all fine and we have a suspect in custody? Kate and I will be right behind you.”

“Sure thing, Dad.” He headed for the door.

The look in Darius’ eyes at the sound of that word sent a new wave of emotion through Kate’s heart.

He spun her against him and cupped her face in both his big hands. For a moment they gazed at each other, joined in silent union, suspended in time.

Then he touched her mouth with his and she lost herself in a kiss she wanted to never end. This right here, her and Darius, this was the rock on which her life would rest from now until forever.

The sound of applause from outside made them break apart again.

“Dad?” Dylan called from the outdoor staircase. “You should see this. Look out front.”

Still hand in hand, she and Darius slid open the glass door and stepped onto the front deck. The entire volunteer fire department had gathered outside. Various official and personal vehicles were parked along the street. They were cheering Dylan as he limped down the stairs.

“I texted Nate about Dylan being held hostage and saving the day by tripping the dude,” Darius murmured. “Guess word must have spread.”

Someone spotted them on the deck, and everyone’s attention turned their direction. More applause, along with whistles and cat calls as people noticed they were holding hands.

Laughing, they both bowed to the crowd. “Thanks for all the help!” Darius called down to his crew. “Nate, we need to talk.”

Nate laughed. “Job’s yours again, Chief. No questions asked.”

Whoops and cheers went up from the crowd. Kate threw dramatic air kisses, as if they were royals on a palace balcony. Lord and Lady Armor-All, perhaps.

Darius drew her close and whispered in her ear, “Are you sure you want to stay in this crazy town?”

“With you? Absolutely.”

Chapter Thirty-Six

The entire world looked different now that he and Kate were together—for real, and for good. Even in the always dingy Moose is Loose Saloon, colors were brighter, sounds were jazzier, his bass practically played itself. Darius grinned as he thrummed the strings to match the pace set by the drummer. He finally had his black hat back, and he had Kate, and Dylan, and that meant that every little thing was right with the world.

He knew the very moment that Kate blew in like a spark on the wind, eyes bright and smile naughty. She blew him a kiss that sizzled onto his skin.

He shot her a look of pure locked-and-loaded lust.

She found the table he’d saved for her near the stage. Maya joined her, wearing an off-hours outfit of slinky black velvet. They chatted intensely, heads together, as the band finished out the song.

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