The Nature of the Beast (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #11) - Louise Penny Page 0,33

was night. And it was her light.

Sitting back in her chair, she’d stared at the photos on her computer. Then she’d looked up a number and made the call to Canadian Forces Base Valcartier.

It was only by some bullying and veiled threats that she got through to the base commander at his home.

“How can I help you, Chief Inspector?”

“I’m investigating a homicide and need your help.”

There was a pause before the clipped voice returned.

“Is there a link to the base here in Valcartier? Is one of my soldiers involved?”

“No, sir, not that we know of. It happened in the Eastern Townships, not far from the Vermont border.”

“Then why are you calling me? I’m sure you know we’re a long way from there.”

“Yes, sir. Your base is just outside Quebec City, but we’ve found something you might be interested in.”


She could hear his anxiety lower and his curiosity rise.

“A huge missile launcher. I’ve done some research and I can’t find anything even remotely like it.”

“A missile launcher? In the Townships?” General Langelier was clearly perplexed. “We don’t have an armed forces base there. Never have. What’s it doing there?”

She almost laughed, but didn’t. “That’s why I’m calling you. We don’t know. And this is no ordinary missile launcher. As I said, it’s massive.”

“Well, yes, they are,” he said. “Are you sure that’s what it is? Maybe it’s some farm tool, or logging equipment.”

“I can send you a few pictures of it.”

“If you’d like.” His interest was waning.

He gave her his secure email and she knew when they’d arrived by the whispered “Merde” down the phone line.

There was silence as he examined them.

“Is that a person standing next to it?” Langelier asked, when he’d regained polite speech.


“Tabernac,” he swore. “Are you sure?”

“I took the photograph myself this afternoon. It is a missile launcher, non? Not a milking machine?”

“Oui.” He sounded distracted, lost in thought. “I don’t know what to tell you, Chief Inspector. It’s not like anything I’ve seen before. Frankly, while it’s huge, it looks like an antique, something that might’ve been used in the Second World War.”

“Could it be from then? Maybe something put there for defense and abandoned?”

“We don’t just leave weapons scattered about in the woods,” he said. “And the defenses were out to sea, not pointing inland. Does it work?”

“We don’t know that either. That’s why I’m calling you. We need help assessing this.”

“Are there missiles with it?” he asked. “Is the weapon armed?”

“We haven’t found anything, but we’re looking. So far it seems to be just the launcher itself. Do you have someone you can send?”

There was a sigh down the line and she could almost imagine him scratching his head.

“Honestly, our current ballistics and heavy weaponry specialists all deal with modern weapons. ICBMs. Sophisticated systems. This looks like a dinosaur.”

Lacoste looked at the photograph on her screen. He was right. It was the literal truth. It looked like they’d unearthed some behemoth.

But why was it hidden? And who in the world had built it? What was it for?

And why was Laurent murdered to keep it secret?

“Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you,” he said.

“This is, of course, confidential,” she said.

“I understand. I’ll do what I can.”

She thanked him and hung up. She hadn’t told him about the other thing. The etching on the base.

She steadied herself, wishing it wasn’t quite so dark and quiet and solitary in the old railway station, then she put up another photo and looked at the winged monster. Even in a picture, even at a distance, it was striking. And what it struck was terror.

She stared at it and wondered why she hadn’t told the Commander of CFB Valcartier about the monster with the seven serpent heads. Perhaps because she remembered the boy running into the bistro. With the tale of the huge gun.

As Gamache had said, had Laurent left it at that, they might, just might, have believed him. But then he took it that next, impossible, step too far. Into the unbelievable.

Lacoste knew that General Langelier almost certainly did not fully appreciate the size of the weapon. No picture could capture it, even with the agent there for scale. She suspected he thought she was exaggerating. And she suspected the winged monster would not have helped her credibility.

Isabelle Lacoste stared at the etching. It was, she had to admit, unbelievable.

* * *

Jean-Guy Beauvoir finished unpacking his satchel, hanging shirts and slacks in the closet of the B and B, folding garments in the pine Copyright 2016 - 2024