Hostage to Pleasure(31)

"Most of them were mine. And that's why they died." She looked at the screen, eyes strangely flat. "I'm responsible for this. If I had run - "

" - they'd have hunted you down like a rabid dog." Of that, Dorian had no doubt. The Council maintained its power by coldbloodedly wiping out any opposition. Except, most of the time, it was done in darkness and shadow, with assassins and poisons. "All you did was bring their bullying tactics out into the open."

Ashaya didn't answer him, her gaze locked on the screen.

Dorian closed the car door behind Ashaya's still figure and turned to Lucas. "If she wasn't Psy, I'd say she was in shock." Though the window was down, Ashaya gave no indication of having heard him.

Lucas narrowed his eyes. "Might help if she sees her son."

"Any change since this morning?" Protective instincts rose to the fore.

"I talked to Sascha before that transmission came through. She said he seems okay, but quiet. Even Tally couldn't get him to talk and she can get anyone to open up."

"Don't call her Tally in front of Clay," Dorian said, thinking of the small human female who loved Clay so desperately. "He's a little territorial."

Lucas's eyes flicked to Ashaya. "So are you."

Dorian wanted to bare his teeth, warn Lucas off against interfering. "Yeah, I am."

"I know better than to step in between," Lucas said, as they both moved far enough away that Ashaya couldn't hear them. "But you might be better off gaining some distance so you can think - right now, your aggression levels are through the roof."

"I can handle it."

"But does she want to be handled?" A question that cut out the bullshit. "Doesn't look like she's going to hop into bed with you anytime soon - and from what I saw on that balcony, that's what your cat wants. You're getting belligerent because you're frustrated." Blunt words from one man to another, a warning from an alpha to a sentinel. "I don't care if she is the enemy - you don't touch her unless she agrees."

Dorian felt his leopard thrust its claws out under his skin. "That's a fucking insult."

"Then tone it down." Lucas's markings stood out starkly against his skin. "Or I'm pulling you off protection detail."

"Try it." Dorian made his tone sniper flat.

"Damn it, Dorian, stop being so fucking pigheaded. We both know you're not rational where Psy are concerned."

"Yeah? I seem to get along fine with Sascha."

"She's Pack, and so is Faith. Judd's close to Pack." Lucas shook his head. "Any Psy outside the tight circle of what you consider family is automatically an enemy in your eyes. That makes you the worst person to guard Ashaya."

Dorian fisted his hands. "Back off, Luc. I don't know what the fuck is going on with me and Ashaya, but I'll sort it out. Bloody hell, you know me better than to think I'd ever force a woman, no matter who she is."

Lucas stared at him for several minutes before giving a slow nod. "She might never be willing - the first time you met her, you told us she was so cold you got frostbite."

"I was wrong." He'd seen the desperate flashes of love in her eyes when she spoke of Keenan, felt her hand tremble as she realized her colleagues were dead. "She's not who I thought she was." He just had to coax the real Ashaya Aleine out of hiding.

"Doesn't matter." Lucas glanced at the car. "She doesn't seem to like you any."

"I've been less than charming." He gritted his teeth. "I'll work on that. She'll thaw out." She had to, because he sure as hell wasn't going to walk around with blue balls for the rest of his life. The sexual nature of the thought was a deliberate attempt to offset a more worrisome emotion - it disturbed him how protective he'd begun to feel toward her.

Lucas's eyes gleamed with feline humor. "Can you lay on the charm and protect her at the same time?"

"Keep insulting me, and I'll forget you're my alpha." It was said without heat, both their beasts having retreated from the razor-sharp edge of violence. "What's the security plan?"

"You're her shadow," Lucas said, humor replaced by the keen intelligence that made him an alpha who commanded respect as well as obedience. "Anthony doesn't want her dead and he's not an ally we can afford to lose."

"What about his own resources?"

"They're at our disposal, but things are a little hot for him right now - he doesn't want to tip his hand if we're willing to cover."

Dorian nodded. "Council needs at least one sane member."