Branded by Fire(57)

"I saw Riley before I met you," Toby volunteered.

"You did?"

"He was sad." Quiet words. "Not crying-sad, but deep-inside-sad. Old-sad."

Sascha understood in a way most people wouldn't have. "Like the sadness is buried so deep, he might not even know it's there?"

"Yeah." A pause. "Was that . . . unethical?" He said the last word with frowning concentration. "That I knew that about him?"

"Well," Sascha said, "it depends on how you found out. Did you use your abilities consciously, or did you just know?"

"I just knew." A definitive nod. "Like I know when Sienna's grumpy, and Marlee's happy."

"Then I see no reason for worry." Smiling, she brushed his hair off his forehead, the gesture more of affection than necessity. "Now, shall we practice your shielding?"

Riley was heading into his office to clear the decks when he heard the strangest thing. Sienna was speaking to Hawke in his office, and since the door was open, he could hear everything. That wasn't the strange part. The strange part was that Sienna was being polite to their alpha.

"I appreciate you giving me a position in the hierarchy," she said, sounding more mature than he'd ever heard her.

Silence. Then, "You earned it." Short, clipped. Hawke probably wasn't sure what the hell she was up to now.

"I won't let the pack down," Sienna added. "Indigo says I pretty much have the physical aspect of soldier training down - it's a case of becoming familiar with the other parts."

Riley wasn't surprised at the rank Hawke had decided to assign her. Sienna was a dominant. She'd be far happier doing jobs associated with protecting the pack than otherwise.

"See that you do. Or Indigo will flay you alive."

"I will."

Okay, this was getting beyond strange. Sienna wasn't built for such unresisting compliance. She was like Mercy. A little wild, full of passion, incredibly vivid. Instinct told him that whatever was happening in Hawke's office was important. 

"Is that all?" A harsh question from Hawke.

"Yes. Bye." And then Sienna walked out. She saw Riley and gave a little wave but didn't come over to say hi. Riley narrowed his eyes, almost able to feel the vicious strength of the control she was keeping over herself. One hard push and that girl would shatter. "What the fuck is going on?" he asked, stepping into Hawke's office and shutting the door.

"You're asking me?" His alpha's jaw was clenched so tight, Riley could almost hear bones grinding.

"She's closed up tighter than a fucking drum." And Riley knew that was wrong with every fiber of his being. "If she was wolf, I'd say she was trying to choke her animal."

"Fuck it, Riley." Hawke pushed back from his desk and paced across the office. "I don't know what's up. I went to talk to her, gave her the option of becoming a trainee soldier."


"And nothing." Hawke kicked the stone wall violently enough that it had to have hurt, then turned and walked in the other direction. "She said 'thank you' and 'I'm happy to accept.' "

"That's not Sienna."

Hawke's pale eyes were wolf furious. "Apparently it is now. Good thing for the den, too." Except he didn't sound convinced.

Mercy opened her front door to a gorgeous male. Unfortunately, it was the wrong one. "Joaquin. What a lovely surprise." Her tone said otherwise.

He reached up to push a hand through that sleek black hair of his, dark eyes watchful. Unlike Eduardo, he didn't flirt. But that only meant he did his hunting in a stealthy fashion. "I thought we might have breakfast together."

"I don't recall inviting you."

"I'm here at your grandmother's behest." A gleam of feline cunning in his eyes. "She said you'd treat me as an honored guest."

"She probably told you I'd kick your ass to Mexico." Mercy snorted and folded her arms. "But what the heck. I have to eat."