Branded by Fire(22)

A nod. "But not bad. The bomb only took out the Psy. Injured a waitress, though, but she's gonna be okay. The weird thing was with the truck. It jammed - almost as if the crazy had second thoughts and braked real hard - it gave folks enough time to leap out of the way. He put a bullet in his brain before anyone could get to him. But if things keep going like this, more people are gonna start dying."

Mercy nodded. The senior members of both DarkRiver and SnowDancer knew that things were shaky in the PsyNet, but she'd had no idea it had gotten this bad. "So we're good to go?"

"Yep." He nodded at the kids huddled behind them. "We took their statements already. You driving them home?"

It was a reasonable assumption - predatory changelings ruled, but with it came responsibility. "Yeah." Watching as the crime scene techs began to vacuum up the glass, she realized they weren't going to be able to fit all the kids in the car.

Turning to them, she asked for names and locations. Three lived within walking distance, the other two a ten-minute drive away. "Right," she said, "we'll walk you three home, then drive you two."

The girl in the pink T-shirt - Jen - bit her lip. "We'll be okay. We were, you know, just freaked out."

"I know." She wrapped an arm around the girl. They were changeling. Touch was how they healed. "But I need to see you home safely." Or the leopard would go nuts.

A nod against her. The girl didn't move away until Mercy squeezed and released her. Riley came up beside Mercy right then, and she explained the plan. He began walking and the boys fell in with him, while the two girls chose to stick with Mercy. The girl Mercy hadn't hugged, the one dressed in a tiny miniskirt and belly-baring top, inched closer until Mercy took the hint and hugged her, too.

Ahead of them, Riley and the boys had paused, shooting the breeze. She saw him ruffle one kid's hair, pat another on the back, do that fake almost-hurting-but-not-quite punching thing guys do with the third. Taking care of them.

The girl tucked up against her - Lisha - relaxed and pulled away. "You were so fast," she said as they began walking again.

"Yeah," her friend said, almost jumping up and down in excitement. "It was like wow!"

"Totally." Lisha beamed at Mercy. "I heard that you were, you know, a sentinel but I never thought I'd see you in action. The boys sometimes say that, like - "

"You're probably not as tough as the men," Jen completed. "I'm so going to make them eat their words."

Mercy laughed. "You have to excuse them - boys suffer from an incurable disability."



Both girls cracked up. And Riley turned to give her a look that reminded her of all the things she liked about testosterone. Especially when it was packed in the hard, muscled body of a wolf who seemed ready to devour her in small, sexy bites.

Chapter 11

Anthony Kyriakus dropped out of the telepathic conference and thought about the information he'd just received via his daughter. Today's violence was troubling, but given the time frame of events, it could be put down to an anomalous statistical cluster. The Net was normally a seamless river of data, without chaos, without emotion - but with the recent high-profile defections, as well as the activities of various rebel groups, it had begun to fluctuate with waves of uncertainty.

And since Psy were connected to the Net on the most visceral level, needing the biofeedback to survive, anything that happened there had real-life impact. It even made sense that the violence was occurring in this region - the PsyNet wasn't defined by geographical limits, but they'd had a number of disturbances in this area and the psychic effect would be strongest at the point of origin. A big enough surge could have short-circuited some aspect of the conditioning under Silence.

However, Anthony wasn't convinced. His fellow Councilors seemed to be ignoring the events, but -

The comm panel beeped. Glancing at the ID screen, he saw it was Kaleb Krychek, fellow Councilor and perhaps the most powerful telekinetic in the Net. From what Anthony had unearthed, he knew that Kaleb's control over the NetMind, the neosentient entity that was both the librarian and guardian of the Net, was close to complete. It was the very situation the Council hadn't wanted after Santano Enrique. The now-dead Councilor had used his power over the NetMind to hide his murderous crimes.

Kaleb was much more subtle. He let others believe they held power even as he played them for fools. A very dangerous man. And one whose history was close to opaque - though there were rumors he'd been Enrique's protege.

"Kaleb," he said, answering the call. "It must be early in Moscow."

"Very," Kaleb said, but since the visual was blocked on both ends, Anthony knew the other man could be anywhere. It was difficult to tie a teleport-capable Tk to one location. "But it's your region I'm calling about - I saw the reports."

"There's been a new incident."

"The shooter," Kaleb said. "Data is already flowing in."

"The others appear to consider these occurrences a statistical anomaly."

"And you?"

Anthony leaned back in his seat. "I think we need to scan the shooter's mind." He paused as a message came through on his cell phone. Interesting. "Henry just sent me a note proposing the same thing - and he's offered to take care of the scan." But what exactly was Henry doing in California? His home was in London.