Branded by Fire(14)

The air filled with aggression. It skated over her body, along her spine, over her throat. And that quickly, she wanted him. He knew almost the instant she did, his indrawn breath harsh in a way that was utterly, erotically male. An instant later, his arousal mirrored hers.

"We are so not doing this," she said, having to force the words out past the constriction in her throat.

Amber eyes glinted at the periphery of her vision. "We already did."

She felt like she was drowning in the indelible maleness of him. "Once." Enough to take the edge off her need, to give her back control over her own body. "And it's going to remain that way." She pushed the button that lowered all the windows.

He took another deep breath, as if savoring the musk of her damp heat, and her hands clenched on the manual steering wheel. If she hadn't been able to sense his own arousal, she'd have thought he was just messing with her. But he very definitely wanted her - the brutal hunger of him was a pulse against her body, powerful and boldly masculine.

"Stop the car."

She made an undignified squeaking sound in the back of her throat. "No way in hell." The instant she did that, she knew full well she'd end up on top of Riley, riding him to erotic oblivion.

Silence from the passenger seat.

The leopard clawed at her, more than ready to sate its hunger. "You know I'm right."

"Is it the fact that I'm a wolf, or the fact that I made you whimper?" Controlled words, so damn controlled. Except for the pulse of heat that kept slapping into her body over and over.

"It's the fact that you aggravate the shit out of me." She set her jaw. "I'm not a slave to my hormones." It was a reminder to herself.

A bark of laughter from the wolf next to her. Close, so close. His breath - hot, harsh, male - whispered over her ear as he said, "I don't know any woman more in command of herself than you."

She shot him a narrow-eyed glance. "And that gets your panties in a twist, doesn't it?"


Okay, she hadn't expected that answer. Sweat beaded along her spine as her body fought the urge to give in to the sexual flames licking at every inch of her skin. God, but she wanted to crawl into his lap and just taste. "Let me guess," she said, thrusting aside the disturbing depth of her response, "you dream of a submissive little wolfie at home, barefoot and pregnant?"

"What's wrong with that? You saying your submissive members have no value?"

Oh, he was annoying her on purpose. "I didn't say that. This is about you not being able to handle a woman who's your equal."

A very deliberate pause. "I don't see one nearby."

She was close to breaking the steering wheel. "I'm going to ignore you now."

To her surprise, he didn't say anything in return. When she glanced over, he had his head turned toward the open window. Strong jaw - stubborn jaw - a touch of dark stubble, lips that she knew full well could turn soft when they wanted, hair that lifted easily in the breeze, but was shorter than that of most changelings.

Since when did she find that sexy?

Blinking, she stared through the windshield. It was just a weird chemical attraction, she told herself. She'd been too long without sex and, judging from the ferocity with which he'd taken her, so had Riley. They'd scratched each other's itch and that was that. Done. Finito. Over.

Protesting way too much, baby girl.

It was her mother's voice. For some reason, whenever she got stupid, her mental voice turned into her mother's. Good thing her mom didn't know about Riley - she'd probably have a coronary.

Wolf and leopard?

Yeah, right.

Having somehow survived Mercy's driving, Riley nodded hellos at the DarkRiver soldiers Nate had pulled to watch the Baker home and asked one of them to check under the house. "See if you can spot anything that could've been used to pipe gas into the house. Don't touch it. Just check."

The man's eyes flicked to Mercy. She gave him a nod and he headed off. It irritated Riley that the male hadn't immediately followed his order, but the lieutenant in him was impressed. These men didn't yet know that Riley and Mercy were heading this together - if the soldier had obeyed him, it would've betrayed a lack of discipline.

"Owen," Mercy said to the remaining soldier now, "Riley's on this with me."

Owen gave a military-perfect nod, but as Mercy turned away, Riley glimpsed disappointment. Why? Then Owen's nostrils flared and he knew. Boy had been hoping to be the one Mercy would choose to break her sexual fast. Inside him, the wolf's lips curled up to display razor-sharp canines, and his next words came from a part of him Mercy alone seemed to awaken. "Ready, kitty?" He kept his tone low . . . private.