Blaze of Memory(52)

"Yes." Sascha smiled as Lucas bent down to kiss the back of her neck. "We're going to start with the basic building blocks today. Though I have a feeling Cruz here will catch on fast."

Walking out with the DarkRiver alpha, Dev pulled the door shut so Sascha and Cruz could have privacy. "Sascha's very slender for being pregnant."

Lucas bristled. "Are you saying I don't take good care of my mate?"

"Stop antagonizing him, Dev," Tiara said from her cross-legged position in front of the entertainment screen in the living area. "You know perfectly well how feral predatory changeling men get with their pregnant mates. Tag, go hit one of them."

Tag sighed and looked up. "Is that really necessary, gentlemen?"

Lucas, his eyes human again, looked from Tag to Tiara and seemed to see something he shouldn't. But he didn't say a word. "I'd like to meet Katya." 

Disliking the familiarity with which the changeling male said her name, Dev began to walk down the corridor. "She's staying with me."

"Well, now. . ." Lucas shrugged. "Ashaya's attached to her."

"No compromise."

Lucas gave him a shrewd glance. "You talk to her like that, too?"

"None of your damn business."

"That's what I thought." A feline smile. "Here's a tip - don't snarl at women. It makes them mad."

"Go screw yourself," Dev said without heat.

Lucas laughed. "I don't have to. I have a gorgeous mate."

Katya opened the door at that moment. "I thought I heard - " Her eyes locked on Lucas.

The DarkRiver alpha was all green eyes and that warm leopard charm as he smiled. "You must be Katya. I'm Lucas."

"Hello." Katya gave a small smile.

Fire rippled up Dev's spine. "Let's go outside to talk." There was no way in hell he wanted the other man in Katya's room.

"Not so long as Sascha's in the house," Lucas said, taking a position against the wall opposite the doorway. "We can talk here."

"What's there to talk about?" Katya asked, gripping the doorjamb.

Lucas's eyes went to her white-knuckled hold. "Ashaya wants you to know you have a way out."

Dev's jaw tightened. "Don't play the alpha here, Luc. I've got no loyalty to you."

"I have to look after my people, Dev, same as you. And Ashaya considers Katya a true friend."

Dev thought of Katya's determination to go north, waited to see what she'd do.

"Thank you," she said, uncurling her fingers only to wrap her arms around herself. His body bucked at the reins, wanting to go to her, crush her close. Then she spoke, and his pride at her turned into a flame inside of him. "I think of her as a friend, too. And because I am her friend, I won't put her family in jeopardy."

"There's your answer," Dev said, making sure Lucas heard the absolute lack of flexibility in his voice. "Anything else?"

"You change your mind, Katya, all you have to do is say so." Lucas's head angled slightly to the right. "I have to go talk to my mate."

Knowing Tag and Tiara would keep an eye on things, Dev stayed behind as Lucas walked away. "You should've taken the chance he gave you."

Katya's eyes went wide at his tone.

Something primitive in him pushed at him to finish his, make his claim in the most final way. "I won't let you leave."