My Year of Saying No - Maxine Morrey Page 0,48

know what I mean.’

‘Your injury?’

He met my eyes.

‘So? You’re missing a bit. So what.’ I shrugged. ‘It’s not exactly put a dent in your dating prowess from what I’ve seen.’

‘Sometimes the women I’ve dated haven’t known initially, depending on how we meet.’

‘By which time, they’re probably already half in love with you.’

He gave a laugh that caused Scooby, who had by now joined us and was snoozing at the foot of the bed, to open one eye. Seeing there was nothing much of interest to him, he closed it and went back to sleep.

‘I hardly think so.’

‘Says the man who already has ten grand bid on him.’

‘I feel so cheap.’

I grinned and gave him a prod with my toes. ‘From what I understand, that’s just her opening bid. I’m pretty sure she’d go a lot higher.’ I shuffled my position. ‘You don’t have to do it, you know,’ my tone a little more serious now. ‘If you really don’t want to. It was initially just said as a joke, but then it kind of took on a life of its own.’

His hand curled gently around my foot absent-mindedly. ‘But if she’s serious, that’s ten grand for the charity.’

‘True. But you shouldn’t do things you’re uncomfortable with, no matter what.’

‘Let’s just see nearer the time.’ He glanced at the clock. ‘I should let you get some rest. Sorry. Sat up keeping you talking.’

‘That’s OK. It’s been nice.’

He pushed himself back onto his feet and looked down to where I was now perched like a little gnome on the edge of the bed. ‘It really has.’ His voice was soft and a flicker crossed his face. At least I thought it did. But then it was gone. The only light was from the side table lamp and I was pretty tired, so it was entirely possible I imagined it anyway. ‘There’s fresh towels in the bathroom. Just use whatever you need in there and shout if there’s anything else you want.’

‘Thanks, Seb. This is all really kind of you.’

‘My pleasure. Really.’

‘What time is Angus coming over again?’

‘He said eight thirty, but our Angus is an early riser, so he’ll probably be round about eight.’

‘Oh god,’ I groaned, looking at the small, shabby-chic style clock on the bedside table. ‘Maybe you should have told me that earlier.’

Seb shook his head. ‘It’s fine. Sleep as late as you want. I’ll be up and can give him the keys. I already gave him a rundown of what’s been going on, so he’ll be fine to just get on and work his magic.’

‘I can’t do that. It seems rude.’

‘Rude is your host keeping you up way past your bedtime.’

‘You have no idea when my bedtime is!’

‘We’ve been friends for long enough for me to have a pretty good idea. Although, to anyone else, your fondness for pyjamas might suggest your bedtime is more akin to a toddler’s.’

‘I like to be comfy. You’re lucky I didn’t wear them this evening.’

‘I did wonder if you might. But, so long as you came, I wouldn’t have cared what you wore, to be honest. It was just fun getting together. At last.’

And there it was. The biggest of red flags that Seb Marshall didn’t think of me in that way. I’d made an effort, although in a way that hopefully looked like I hadn’t made too much of an effort, but in the end, I could have rocked up in my pyjamas and he wouldn’t really have noticed the difference.

‘It was,’ I said.

‘OK. Night, Lottie.’

‘Night, Seb. Sleep well.’

He gave a little wave and left, heading towards his own room.

I scooted along to the bathroom, did all the things I needed to and swapped my clothes for the T-shirt he’d left me. Made to fit him, and not me, it was generously sized and perfect as a nightie. Thanks to Seb’s height, it was also long enough to cover all the bits required in order to maintain a certain amount of decency should I accidentally run into him on the landing.

I’d set my alarm and so was washed, dressed and downstairs by half eight the next morning. Without my make-up bag, I’d done the best I could to hide exactly how tired I felt with the basics of my compact and a slap of lippy. It’d have to do for now. Besides, as it was clear from last night that Seb didn’t view me in a romantic way, it didn’t really matter anyway. No pressure. Besides, he’d already seen me plenty Copyright 2016 - 2024