My Year of Saying No - Maxine Morrey Page 0,42

wasn’t in my nature to ignore things. And the fact was, I cared about him. Maybe more than I should, but that was a worry for a different day.

‘Is it sore?’ I asked, taking a seat next to him on the end of the bed.

‘A bit. Nothing too bad. Sometimes the cold makes it ache more.’

‘Yes. I don’t suppose that helps. And then I made you sit in the freezing cold waiting for a breakdown lorry tonight when you could have been at home in the warm resting.’

He reached across and gave me a squeeze. ‘Lottie. You didn’t make me do anything.’

‘But you should have just come home. I could have waited for the guy on my own.’

‘And where would the fun have been in that?’ he asked.

‘That,’ I said, pointing at where his other hand was gently massaging his leg, ‘doesn’t look like fun.’

‘Stop worrying. I was happy to wait with you. And, if I’m honest, as much as I know your car breaking down is a pain in the arse, the fact that we get to spend some more time together isn’t something I’m complaining about.’

I met his eyes, wondering where this was going.

‘We’ve been colleagues and then friends for what feels like an age now. I can’t believe it’s taken us so long to actually get together. Now that we have, I’m really enjoying getting to spend the time with you and building on that friendship. It’s really nice to just be able to go for a meal, spend time with someone and relax without any expectations, don’t you think?’

‘Absolutely!’ I said, brightly, pushing myself off the bed and going over to peer out of the window. If Seb was right about the fact he could read me, then it was probably best if I made sure my traitorous face was pointed away from him. Even taking into account the reflection from the window, it was still an improvement on facing Seb head on. ‘So, this psychic talent you reckon you have?’ I said, calling Scooby, who was hovering at the door, over to me. ‘Oh, sorry,’ I pulled a face. ‘Is he allowed in here?’

Seb smiled. ‘It’s his house as much as mine. I don’t have him on the beds, but apart from that, he’s got free rein.’

‘Don’t ever get together with my sister. She’d be changing that in a moment.’

‘Yeah, that probably wouldn’t work then. I’m kind of from the love me, love my dog school of thought.’

‘I agree. And she doesn’t dislike them. She just is very particular about her appearance and clothes. Admittedly, quite a lot of them cost a bloody fortune, so I can understand her point.’

‘Yep. Different beliefs suit different people. It’s what makes the world interesting, I guess. To a point. Obviously, some of those people take things to extremes…’ he left the sentence unfinished, but there was no denying the prosthetic elephant in the room.

I snuggled my face against Scooby and wrapped my arms around his big, solid body. He gave a sigh of contentment and slid his bum across into a puppy sit next to me.

‘You know that thing I said about you being easy to read?’

‘Hmm,’ I said, keeping myself occupied with the dog, which was far easier than reminding myself how delicious his owner was.

‘You’re doing it again.’

‘Doing what?’

‘Pretending you’re fine when there’s clearly something on your mind.’

I steeled everything I could into nonchalance as I came out from hiding behind the dog. ‘Maybe your skills have slipped a bit because you’re kind of off base this evening.’

Seb watched me for a moment. ‘Am I?’ he asked. In theory this was a question, but the way he said it told me he felt he already knew the answer and that answer was a big fat nope.

‘Yes,’ I said, pushing myself up from where I was sitting. ‘Admittedly, I was a bit surprised that this room is quite so lovely.’


‘Because you’re a bloke who lives alone and this looks like something from a boutique hotel. But, of course, there are decorators and designers and even ex-girlfriends who might have been responsible for it, so perhaps it’s not so surprising after all.’ I gave a grin that was definitely verging on the side of sheepish. ‘As various people have said, maybe I just need to get out more.’

Seb remained sat on the bed, his damaged leg stretched out. Scooby had now padded over and slid down to sit at his feet, or rather, had draped himself over Seb’s Copyright 2016 - 2024