My Year of Saying No - Maxine Morrey Page 0,25

Depending on what time you can get away, we could always grab a bite to eat first maybe.’

‘That sounds great.’

‘OK. I’ll send you through all the details and directions and I can order the tickets now while you’re on. Where do you like to sit?’

‘What have they got?’

‘Let’s see.’ I heard him tap some keys and waited as he brought up the theatre’s seating plan. ‘Looks like there’s some in the stalls. Fourth row back?’

‘Sounds perfect. I’ll be able to see what’s going on without having to use those ridiculous little opera glasses things.’

‘Do they still have those?’

‘I’ve literally no idea. It’s ages since I’ve been to the theatre.’

‘I don’t think I’ve been since I was a kid.’

‘No! Really?’

‘Yeah. Bad eh?’

‘No, not bad. People have different interests.’

‘That’s the thing. I love the theatre. But I guess I just never get around to it.’

‘Well, now you are.’

‘I am indeed. There, done,’ he said, picking the phone back up from where he’d balanced it while he booked the tickets on his laptop. ‘We can pick them up at the box office on the night.’

‘Ooh! I’m really excited now. Thanks, Seb. Can I give you the money when I see you?’

‘Nope. My treat.’

‘Oh no, you can’t do that. I wouldn’t have let you book them if I knew you’d do that.’

‘You wouldn’t have let me?’ He raised a curious, dark brow.

‘No. And don’t look at me like that either. You might be bigger than me, but I have skills.’

‘I don’t doubt it for a moment. But the tickets are on me. As a thanks for everything you do.’ I opened my mouth to protest. ‘On top of what I pay you for.’

‘Then thank you. And I look forward to it.’

‘Me too.’

‘Well, I’d better get off to bed. I need to clean my flat tomorrow and then make myself look presentable enough for seeing my sister.’

‘You always look presentable.’

‘She doesn’t have the same relaxed attitude to my fondness for loungewear as you do.’

‘She’s not wearing it. You are.’

‘Still. I have to make a bit of an effort. Apparently, she’s bringing a bloke too, so we’re all going to be on our best behaviour.’

‘That sounds exhausting. Why don’t you just say no? I mean, if not this year, then when can you?’

‘I don’t want to. Obviously, I understand the confusion as you’ve never had one of my mum’s roasts, but, seriously, they’re worth anything! And I’m probably making it sound worse than it is. Sally’s just… particular. But she’s harmless. She’s just quite used to getting her own way. She doesn’t really stand for much less, especially when it comes to men, so I think sometimes she forgets we’re family and know her of old.’

‘But you still try to please her.’

‘She’s my sister. I want her to be happy.’

Seb nodded but said no more. ‘Well, I’d better let you go. Enjoy your roast tomorrow!’

‘I shall. I hope you’re going to rest a bit.’

‘I am. Mostly. I’m going over to my brother’s for the day, so apart from being a human climbing frame for my niece and nephew, it should be nice.’ The joy that his family brought him was reflected in his features, his eyes smiling as much as that generous mouth.

‘That sounds lovely, Seb. Family days all round!’


It turned out Sally’s new chap, Oliver, was something in the City, but exactly what that something was remained a mystery to us all despite the fact he’d explained it more than once. I’d have had more luck trying to understand Klingon.

‘That sounds very interesting,’ my dad said diplomatically as he passed me the roast potatoes, the waft of them making my mouth water as I dished several onto my plate before passing them on to Sally, who took one. I looked at her, looked back at the dish full of golden deliciousness and then back at Sally. She caught my eye and gave the most delicate of shrugs.

‘I shouldn’t even be having one really, but you know I can’t resist Mum’s cooking,’ she cooed, tilting her head at Mum, who reached over and patted her hand.

I looked at my sister’s plate, one potato, a pile of French beans, two slices of lean roast chicken and some spinach. My eyes then drifted to my own, piled high with roast and mash potato, several pieces of chicken, plus some gorgeous, crispy skin, piles of veggies, all drowned in thick gravy. Apparently, her idea of not resisting and mine were two very different things.

I smothered the home made rhubarb Copyright 2016 - 2024