My Stolen Life - Steffanie Holmes Page 0,6

Gabriel’s broken prince charm or Noah’s bad boy intensity. But I’d have to work fast now Gabriel has his radar up.

“Do you know who she is?” I ask Gabriel. Even though he’s been away from the city, he always knows the gossip.

“Mate, you been living under a rock? That’s Mackenzie Malloy.” Gabe licks his lips. “Crazy looks good on her.”

My chemistry textbook clatters to the ground.

“Say that name again,” I whisper. Behind me, Noah’s breath comes out in ragged gasps.

“Mackenzie Malloy. You know, billionaire heiress to the Malloy nutritional supplement fortune, disappeared along with her parents four years ago, leaving that creepy house abandoned up on Harrington Hills. She’s out of hiding and walking the hallowed halls of Stonehurst. Aren’t we blessed?”


I didn’t need Gabriel to tell me what happened. I know her story. I read the news articles and police reports a hundred times, trying to find some clue of where she went, of how we could be planning to escape to college together one minute and the next she’s vanished. I can’t count the number of nights I’ve watched her house, hoping to see a glimpse of her ghost.

And now here she is, strutting down the hall like she owns this school.

Mackenzie Malloy, flesh and blood.


No wonder she seems so familiar.

It all comes rushing at me at once as I recognize her features – memories of the games we played with each other in stolen moments all those years ago. Both of us living our true childhoods in secret. I squat to pick up my book. I need a moment to collect myself.

A spike-heel slams into the cover, denting the pages.

I look up, and up, and up. A lump forms in my throat.

“You’re standing in front of my locker.” From atop legs as long and graceful as an ostrich, Mackenzie fixes me with this demolishing glare – like I’m a bug not even worthy of being stepped on.

I search those impossible ice eyes for some sign that she recognizes me, but she doesn’t waver. Maybe she doesn’t recognize me. The last time we saw each other was when we were thirteen years old. I’ve changed since then. And Mackenzie… phew. She was always pretty, but now with those legs and curves and that haughty twist of her lip – now she’s devastating.

“Greetings, m’lady.” Gabriel – who has no clue of the history he’s stomping on – rests his palm on the locker behind Mackenzie and cocks his hand on his hip. He loves to play up his ‘I’m a posh British rockstar, ask me about my friend Prince Harry’ act. “Elias here is merely showing the proper deference to one such as yourself. If he continues to inconvenience you, just stand on him. He likes that.”

Shut the fuck up, Gabriel.

Mackenzie brushes past Gabriel like he’s nothing, which is so unheard of that Gabriel’s mouth falls open. He could catch flies with that thing. As I clamber to my feet, I bite my lip to keep from bursting out laughing. Noah isn’t as polite. He chortles – but it’s a sound like a strangled cat. He has his own reasons for being unnerved by Mackenzie Malloy’s sudden reappearance. I look over at him to see if I need to do damage control, but he’s holding it together… so far.

I scramble out of Mackenzie’s way just as she slams her locker door open, the sound ricocheting down the hall like a gunshot. The eyes of other students slide toward us – a sensation I’m used to. But this time, they’re not staring with envy or longing. There’s the scent of blood in the air.

“Mackenzie?” I try again. Her name sounds foreign on my lips. Out of place. A name from a fantasy novel – some dark fae queen too perfect and too dangerous to exist in the real world.

She buries her face in her locker, doesn’t even look up.

“It’s me.” I lower my voice. “Elias Hart.”

She jerks her head around to face me, whipping golden hair across my face. She smells the same – peaches and coconut, and underneath something wild and undefinable – and the scent threatens to undo me. She cocks an eyebrow at me. “You say your name like I’m supposed to recognize it.”

I study her face as she drops her books on the shelf. On top is a battered leather volume – a book of Greek lyric poetry. It looks to be written in actual Greek. Where did Mackenzie go for four years that she developed Copyright 2016 - 2024