My Rebound (On My Own #2) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,69

couch. I was on the precipice, near the edge of something I couldn’t quite name. I’d already come, but I was almost there again, needing release. Needing something. Needing Pacey.

I knew I already loved this man, and yet I couldn’t tell him.

I could barely admit it to myself.

And when he finally pulled away to strip and put on a condom, I looked up at him, licking my lips.

“Take off the bra and bend over the couch. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll scream my name loudly enough for the neighbors to hear.”

I should have blushed. I should have said no.

Instead, I did as he directed. I couldn’t help it. I needed more.

I needed him.

My bra dropped to the side as I settled myself on my knees on the couch, holding on for dear life as Pacey thrust into me with one eager movement, his cock stretching me to the point of pain yet bringing me closer to bliss.

“My God. You’re so fucking tight, Mackenzie. I’m going to come right here.”

“I need…move. Fuck me.”

I was never this brazen. Never this willing to voice my needs. Yet, I could be different with Pacey. I could be the woman I thought of in my head, rather than the one afraid of what others might say.

I looked over my shoulder as he rode me, my breasts swaying, my body shaking. He had his hands on my hips, his fingers digging in hard enough to leave bruises. He leaned over me, his body hard and sweat-slick as he captured my mouth with his. My pussy clenched, my entire core vibrating to the point of near pain. And with that one kiss, I fell.

I didn’t just come. I screamed, shook. I fell harder than I ever thought possible.

He came with me, urging us both past the point of bliss and into an eternity of something I couldn’t quite grasp.

This wasn’t what I had planned. This wasn’t where I thought I’d be.

And yet, I loved him.

I loved Pacey Ziglar.

And I was so damn scared that I was making another mistake.

Even as he held me, took care of me.

I was afraid.


Chapter 19


I set out deli meat and crusty French bread on the kitchen island before going back to the fridge to find mustard and mayonnaise.

“What’s this?” Miles asked as he walked in. I looked over my shoulder to see my roommate licking his lips.

“We are all studying for finals, and that means we need sustenance. I figured I’d splurge on decent thin pastrami and rare roast beef, as well as some honey-cured ham and brown sugar turkey.”

“Dear God, marry me,” Miles said, and I laughed.

“Well, that’s a proposal I wasn’t expecting,” Dillon said as he grinned.

“Hell, yeah, this looks awesome. Is this why you wanted me to pick up four types of pickles and pepperoncinis?” he asked as he set the bag next to me.

“Did you go right down the list?”

Dillon just rolled his eyes. “What do you take me for? Of course, I went through the list. Though I have to say, it reminded me of Mackenzie. It’s a little weird how much you start acting like your significant other over time. How long has it been now? Four, five months?”

I rolled my eyes. “You and Elise are the same. And I think it’s been four, maybe four and a half? Shit, I’m usually better at remembering things like that, but I’ve been a little busy.” I’d had another attack the month prior, thanks to a sinus infection gone wrong, but I hadn’t been hospitalized. I just had to miss a week of classes again. Mackenzie had helped me, though, as had the rest of my roommates. The fact that her soap was in my shower had not escaped me. I had a serious girlfriend, who I loved, but still hadn’t told that because I didn’t think we were there yet. After all, I was only supposed to be her rebound. I didn’t need to strip myself bare, only to have her say it was fun for the semester, but now she was moving on. Everyone told me that she needed time to find her way as a single woman and a person, and yet, she had somehow ended up with me right away.

That meant she and I couldn’t be serious.

And I was lying to myself.

“Everything okay?” Miles asked, and I nodded.

“Yes, exams are going to suck. And so are papers, so let’s eat.”

“Do you have chips?” Tanner asked, and I narrowed my eyes at Copyright 2016 - 2024