My Rebound (On My Own #2) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,53


Pacey smiled. “It took a while, but I learned. Anyway, because of it, I get infections pretty easily. Bronchitis or ear infections mostly, sinus infections. Sometimes even skin infections. We’re cautious with it because it can lead to organ damage and other things if left untreated, but if I knock on wood right now, I’m doing okay.”

“Pacey, I can’t even imagine. And you’ve been dealing with all of this alone?”

He shook his head. “I have my family,” he whispered. “Despite the hell we’re going through now, I know if I were to call them, they would be here immediately.”

“That’s a good thing then, right? That they’re always here for you?”

“Yes, it’s a good thing. I thought the fact that they stayed together during all of my bad days meant they could outlast everything. But I was wrong,” he whispered, shrugging.

“Pacey,” I whispered.

“No, it’s fine, I promise. I just need to deal with it, and I haven’t been dealing with it quite well enough.”

“I’m so sorry. So, what does this all mean?”

“It means that I get colds easily, and sometimes if I’m not careful, I can get pneumonia. I’m not there yet, but I passed out because I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, and I haven’t been taking care of myself. I’m usually better at it, but it’s been a weird few months. I didn’t have any symptoms for nearly a year, but stress can induce it.”

My eyes widened. “Corinne,” I whispered.

“Yes. Once I get my new meds, and everything settles down, a lot of times it’s like nothing’s wrong. I have to be careful about some of the vaccines that I get and over-the-counter medications I use, but I just have to be aware. And, usually, I am. It’s why I don’t drink heavily. I always want to make sure that I’m in as much control and as aware as possible.”

“I’m so sorry, Pacey.”

“It’s okay. You got me the help I needed.”

“Good, I’m glad I could help.”

“Thank you for being there. I would have been alone, you know, if you hadn’t.”

I wiped away tears, even as he smiled softly. “I’m the one who added more stress to your system. You might not have even passed out if I hadn’t.”

He shook his head. “I was having trouble breathing before you even showed up. I would have been alone, Mackenzie. But I wasn’t because of you. So, thank you.” He squeezed my hand again.

“Well, now that I know, it means I’m going to have to scrub your house from top to bottom. I’m just saying. We are not going to let you get sick again.”

He snorted and smiled at me. “Trust you to make a plan.”

“You haven’t even begun to see my plan. There will be color-coded charts to make sure you’re at peak performance.” I paused. “And you’re going to have to tell your roommates. They need to know that if they even get a hint of the sniffles, they need to stay away from you.”

“You’re right. I do need to tell them.”

My phone buzzed, as did his. I pulled both out of my purse. “Oh, I had your phone,” I said, blushing, and handed it over.

“It seems we’re on the same group text.”

“They’re all outside. I should let you get some rest,” I said after a moment. “I can let everyone know how you’re doing. At least, the basics.”

“I’ll explain everything to them tomorrow when I get home. If you can just tell them that I have a little bit of a cough, that’d be great.”

“They’re going to have a lot of questions,” I said, giving him a pointed look.

“About my illness? Or the fact that you’re here with me right now?”

“Probably both. After all, I don’t think they know what we’re doing.”

“I don’t know what we’re doing,” I whispered.

“Well, we’re going to have to figure that out, too. But maybe after I’m out of the hospital,” he said dryly.

“I would lean over and kiss you, but you know, you’re indisposed and all.”

“I can imagine it. This will be a long night.”

“Are you going to call your parents?”

“I am. They need to know, and I want them to know. I just hope to hell my dad doesn’t bring his girlfriend when he shows up.”

“I guess maybe it’s good that visiting hours are almost over,” I whispered.

His eyes brightened. “Look at you, helping me out. I’m okay, love. I promise.”

“I won’t believe that until you’re safely at home and I can tuck you in. And kiss you.” I hadn’t meant to say Copyright 2016 - 2024