My (Mostly) Secret Baby - Penelope Bloom Page 0,14

look as tan as I remembered, but her hips appeared wider and I even thought her chest had grown somewhat. Back then, she’d been hard, like an athlete at the peak of her career. Now she’d softened around the edges, and I couldn’t help wondering how soft and delicious it’d feel to pull her body against mine.

Except those were thoughts I couldn’t indulge.

There was absolutely not going to be a repeat of that encounter. She was at my company now, and the company was my life. I’d cut my own arm off before I risked it for a woman.

“Where will I be working?”

“Under me.” I was speaking without thinking. Under me? No. Send her to HR. To the front desk. Your dumbass doesn’t need to be tempted by seeing her every single day. I could already feel the foundations trembling. Somehow, some way, I was going to regret this. I knew it. “You’ll be my personal assistant. Coffee runs, printing, faxing, deliveries, dry cleaning, and anything else I decide I can use you for.”


She hesitated. “Anything else?”

I decided not to acknowledge the shared secret between us and how it might have colored my words. “Anything.”

“And what will I be paid for this work?”

It was tempting to insult her with a low offer. Ten grand a year, for example. But I realized it’d be more satisfying to make the offer as juicy as I could. Because I was going to test her patience more than it had ever been tested, and the harder I made it to walk away, the more fun I could have. “Three hundred thousand a year. Full benefits.”

To her credit, she kept a straight face, but her leg started shaking a few seconds later. “I assume I’ll get that in writing?” Chelsea was speaking slowly with a controlled edge to her voice.

“You’ll get what you get,” I snapped.

“I want it in writing. A contract.”

I had to take deep breaths. I’d obviously intended to give her one, but I bristled at having her demand it from me. “Fine. Your first task is to walk your ass down to HR and tell them to draft it up. They can call my office if they need confirmation. Happy?”

The stony look she’d been wearing since she walked in finally cracked. She jumped up from her chair, rushed over to me, and gave me a tight hug while jumping up and down giddily. “Thank you so much,” she whispered. Then she rushed out of my office, leaving me to stare at the wall with the most confused erection of my life.

As if he could have worse timing, my brother stuck his head in my office a moment later. Annoyed, I put my hands in my lap. “Yes?”

“Look. I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to try my best.”

My heartbeat quickened. “What is it?”

“Worchestershire. Worsher? Worchester sauce? Fuck. See what I mean?”

“Get out of my office.”

“Well, there’s none in your so-called break room. I can’t eat spaghetti and meatballs without a dab of it. So what do you expect me to do, exactly?”

With my brother, sometimes the only thing to do was wait quietly until he lost interest. So I looked down at my computer and waited until I heard the door close.

Idiots. I was surrounded by idiots.



I made my way to HR while I’m a Bitch, I’m a Boss played in my mental stereo system.

Three hundred thousand dollars a year. Full benefits.

Hell. Yes.

I ran through the things I could do with that kind of cold hard cash. It was like playing that game where you thought about what you’d do if you won the lottery. A new bra. A nice bra that fit right. Socks without holes my big toes poked through. New clothes for Luna instead of the second-hand stuff we had to settle for. Some real food for my brother.

And bills. God. I could slap my bills around like they were my bitch with that kind of money.

Still, I had to be careful not to go into full blown celebration mode. I’d need to reserve the double birds aimed at the sky and maniacal laughter until the check actually cleared. No matter how much I wanted to believe it, I had to remember who we were talking about here.

Damon Rose. He was the dickbreathed, cockfaced, assheaded guy who was luring me into his trap with piles and piles of money. It was either a trick to break my heart when he pulled it away at the Copyright 2016 - 2024