My (Mostly) Fake Wedding - Penelope Bloom Page 0,33

At least take them off before we ruin my carpets.”

I did as I was told, because the golden rule of naked women was that you did exactly what was needed to keep them naked. It wasn’t a time for debates or compromises.

I awkwardly shuffled us back into the shower and set her down. I was still fully clothed, so I started peeling away my clinging clothes. Belle appeared eager to jump in, grabbing my belt and yanking it free.

I had to have myself a little moment as the water pattered against the growing pile of clothes at my feet as Belle in every bit of her glorious nudity crouched down and freed my cock, which was comically hard already.

Painters and artists since the beginning of history had tried to capture beauty and the meaning of life. But I could’ve saved them the trouble if they just asked. The most beautiful thing in the world was a horny woman who wanted nothing more than to devour your cock. Then again, what if they’d known all this time but just couldn’t get the churches for go for stained glass windows featuring endless scenes of medieval fellatio?

Questions to ponder another time, Chris.

I did make one amendment to my thought, though. It couldn’t just be any woman. This particular woman seemed to bring the natural beauty of cock-mongering to another level. Maybe it was because I knew she was probably going to start the desperate and doomed process of denying any of this ever happened as soon as we were done. By tomorrow, she’d be acting like she could live without doing this again.

It was okay. She could play her side of the game and I’d happily enjoy my side, especially if it was sprinkled with moments like this.

“Why are you smiling? Did I do something wrong?” Belle had her hand around the base of my cock. She was inspecting it like you might survey an obstacle course before taking your first step.

“I was wondering what was going through your head. You look scared of it.”

She gave me an adorable little smile. “Can I be honest about something?”

I thought about it. Personally, I wasn’t a gigantic fan of the idea of taking a break to talk. After all, unless she had a hidden talent for ventriloquy, that meant I’d need to wait longer for her lips to be around my shaft. But I nodded, because even with as much as I wanted to dive into this moment, I found myself worrying about what came next, too.

Strange. I wasn’t usually the type to care about the longevity of a relationship, if that’s what Belle and I even had at this point.

“Go ahead,” I said softly. “Speak your mind into the microphone. I’m listening.”

Belle looked at my cock, which was pointed at her mouth while she gripped it just like a microphone. She snorted, then tapped its swollen head a few times and cleared her throat. “I have a confession.”

“Sexy. Okay.”

“This isn’t the sexy kind. It’s the embarrassing kind.” She took a deep breath, which had the enjoyable side effect of drawing my eyes to her breasts—large, natural, water-dappled, and absolutely perfect, for the record.

“Okay,” she said. “I kind of concocted this whole thing to make this happen. I feel too bad not to admit that before anything possibly goes farther.”

“Possibly? We’re so far past possibly that you’d need to tell me you’re some kind of extra-terrestrial dick-eating creature inside that body. Even then I’m not sure I’d have the self-control to stop.”

She smiled crookedly. “Don’t be so sure. I’m not actually scared of spiders. That one is actually my pet, Leg-olas.”

I stared down at her. “Can I note that the fact you’re still ‘talking into the mic’ is adorable?”

“Does that mean you’re not mad?”

“That you unleashed your pet spider, risked his life and my own just to lure me into your shower because you were horny?” I knelt down, taking her face in mine so I could look her in the eyes. “It’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.”

She made a little snorting sound of disbelief. “More like the most pathetic.”

“You keep this up, and I’m not going to want to let you out of this whole fake marriage, even after I get my contract.”

Belle had been smiling, but her expression fell.

“That was a joke,” I said quickly, except I wasn’t entirely sure I was telling the truth.

“Yeah,” she said. “So, um, may I?”

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