My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8) - Tillie Cole Page 0,93

said to Flame. He followed me out of the van.

“There’s a diner around back,” AK said. “You coming with us to get food?”

Flame tensed at AK’s question and began leading me away from his friends toward our room. AK saw this, his shoulders sank in disappointment. “We’ll bring you some back. Y’all have to eat.”

“Thank you,” I said. I took the key from AK’s outstretched hand. I led Flame to our room. As soon as we entered, he pulled me to the bed and lay down. I lay down beside him. Flame’s face was pale with lack of sleep. I pressed my hand to his cheek. “Sleep, baby, tomorrow will be here soon.”

Flame blinked. “I… I don’t. My head…” He tapped his temple. “It hurts.”

“I know,” I said and kissed the center of his forehead. It was his trepidation and fear. I knew it was. Going back to his home, to the place that was the genesis of all his pain, was never going to be easy. I lay my head on his chest. “Do you know how much I love you, Flame?” Flame’s arm wrapped around me, in confirmation. As soon as it did, our baby moved. “Our baby is moving,” I said. Flame froze. He pulled back his arm and moved a foot away from me. I held on to his hand. His eyes were wide and fearful. “Our baby is well, Flame. Our child is moving because you are near. He or she loves you,” I stated, my voice growing strained with emotion. I moved closer to Flame, placing my hand on his waist. I settled against his chest once more. “Sleep, baby,” I gently urged and stroked my hand up and down his arm. “Sleep. Rest.” Flame’s body relaxed into the mattress. I closed my eyes listening to Flame breathe.

All would be well.


As we passed the sign welcoming us to West Virginia, Flame and Asher’s demeanor changed. Both sets of eyes hardened. I had shared with AK where we must go. As the few hours to our final destination counted down, the more I doubted this plan would work. I did not know if Flame would understand. Whether he could ever replace the turbulent memory of Isaiah dying in his arms, with that of a goodbye. I glanced out of the window when AK cleared his throat. I looked to the rearview mirror. AK nodded. I caught his reflection. We were close.

Asher’s leg bounced behind us. I turned and saw him biting his nails. He knew the area. No doubt the memories of this place were preying on his mind, the heavy weight of memories pulling him down to a place he did not want to go. My head snapped back to Flame when his finger started tapping on my wrist. He was mumbling under his breath… “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven…” He would breathe in, his finger would pause, then he would start again. “One, two…” I forced the tears away from my eyes. I told myself that Flame would not break. Eleven. It was always eleven… Isaiah had taken eleven small breaths before he lost his fight.

Silence became a scream as the van stopped. The area was deserted. Trees and high grass swayed in the breeze. Birds sang their songs from their perches on tree branches. And the water that formed the river played a soothing symphony as it danced toward the sea.

I kissed the back of Flame’s hand. “We are here,” I said to Flame. His attention was fixed on the river. I knew it would be. Isaiah’s memory was so burned into Flame’s soul, I knew he would recognize the river where his youngest brother’s ashes were scattered. “Come,” I said, as AK opened the door.

“We’ll stay back here,” he offered, nodding to Viking and Ruth.

Suddenly nerves erupted in my stomach, stealing my strength. This time it was me who squeezed Flame’s hand tightly. He must have sensed my distress, for his head moved off the window and his distraught eyes met mine. I stepped out of the van. I ran my hand over my baby bump feeling my throat clog with sadness. This was our baby, our miracle, our hearts. I looked to the river and thought of Isaiah. I thought of Flame’s mother. Even unborn, I would give my life for our baby. What must her life had been like? How broken must she have been to leave her two children behind. To leave Copyright 2016 - 2024