My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8) - Tillie Cole Page 0,76

to the slut, then back at me. “You don’t have to do this. Think about it.” He stepped closer to me, ignoring the slut running her hands through his hair. “You don’t want her. You want someone else and we both fucking know it. Don’t fuck that up. Not for club pussy. You do this, there’s no fucking coming back from it. It’ll crush her. You know who I mean.” Saffie’s face burst into my mind. Zane stared at me, trying to make me change my mind. My stomach started feeling strange as I thought of Saffie. But I wasn’t any good for her. I ruined everything. I wouldn’t ruin her too.

Pushing past Zane, the slut led me to the forest. I stumbled on the grass, whiskey running thick in my blood. I glanced down at her hand. Everything was blurred. I caught sight of long blond hair… Saffie? Was this Saffie? No. That’s why Zane had tried to stop me. But Saffie was too good for me. This was a club slut. I deserved a club slut.

The slut pushed on my chest and my back slammed against a tree. The slut’s hand pulled open my zipper and she dropped to her knees. “Damn, honey. You’re hung.” My eyes rolled back when her mouth quickly wrapped around my cock. My hand pushed into her hair. I looked down. Blond hair. Long blond hair. Saffie. Saffie… My mind blurred, yet all I felt was Saffie around my cock. I groaned, my balls aching. But she pulled away before I could come.

My knees gave out and my ass slammed to the ground. Saffie just climbed on top. “Get ready, kid. You’re about to have the best ride of your life.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I spat. She didn’t sound like Saffie when she spoke. I didn’t like her voice. When she was quiet, with that blond hair she was Saffie. Then she sank down on my cock and my head flung back. “Fuck!” I hissed when she started moving up and down. My balls tightened as she scraped her nails along my chest. It should have hurt because of the stitches, but I felt nothing, nothing but Saffie’s pussy choking my cock. My balls tightened and I felt heat rush up my thighs. Saffie started moaning above me, her big tits falling out of her dress. I gripped them, palming them on my hands.

“Yes!” she moaned. My hand covered her mouth. I didn’t like it when she shouted. She didn’t sound like my Saffie when she made any kind of sound. Her tongue licked along my palm and she rode me faster, harder, until her head threw back and her pussy started tightening around my cock. The heat from my thighs gathered in my balls. I was coming.

“Fuck! Saff!” I groaned, eyes closing as I filled the rubber. I thrust inside her harder and harder until I was fucking drained.

“Damn, kid. You sure that was your first time?”

My eyes snapped open and some slut was staring down at me. I pushed her off me and stumbled to my feet. “Get the fuck off me.”

“Calm down, honey.” I backed away, pulling up my jeans. Turning, I stumbled through the forest. Blood rushed through my veins, but the coke felt like fucking heaven in my bones. I kept walking and walking, until saw the clearing where the cabins were. I moved through the tree line, then ground to a halt. Saffie was sitting in the yard of AK’s cabin. She was on her own, on a bench, staring up at the sky. My damn breath was sucked out of me as I watched her. I just fucking watched her, sitting in a pink dress, with her long hair down. She looked like an angel.

When Flame hadn’t recognized Maddie, he thought she was an angel. Saffie was my angel. She was perfect. My chest tightened; the coke unable to cover the crack that was opening up in my sternum again. She was everything that was good… and she was never going to be mine. I was fucked up. I’d killed people. I was nothing. She was everything. She deserved someone better. She deserved the fucking world. A cave burrowed in my gut at the thought of anyone else touching a fucking hair on her head. Saffie’s head snapped my way when bitter snarl left my throat. And when she saw me, when she recognized it was me, that fucking ghost of a smile that killed me Copyright 2016 - 2024