My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8) - Tillie Cole Page 0,12

of such perfection. Finally, she looked up, and her attention was focused on me. “I cannot explain how it feels to finally meet your child, or children, in my case. I cannot explain the overwhelming sensation of happiness and fulfilment. But also the fear so heavy it leaves you breathless. Fear of anyone hurting them.” Lilah’s bottom lip trembled. “I have found a strength I never knew I harbored. I know I would give my life for theirs without question. I know that I would do anything to keep them safe, until the day I die.” Lilah smiled. “My little Grace showed me the way when I thought all hope had been lost. She was my miracle after everything that happened in New Zion. She was God showing me I could be the mother I always dreamed. Azrael and Talitha are an extension of the mother’s love Grace already brought from my damaged soul.” Tears fell down Lilah’s cheeks. “I feel so unbelievably blessed that I cannot even articulate what I mean to say.”

“You nailed it, Li.” Sia sat on the edge of Lilah’s bed. “My nieces and nephew are the best. And you deserve all of this. And despite getting on my last nerve, so does Ky. But don’t tell him. He already has a big enough ego.” Lilah laughed, and Sia winked.

The door to the room opened and Grace ran in. “Mama! I made Zane buy me all the things! And I even got a few snacks for you too.” Sia slid from the bed and Grace jumped into her arms.

“Thank you, baby,” Lilah said, smiling at her daughter.

“Aunt Sia?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“I think Zane is real pretty.”

Sia’s eyes widened. “Do not, under any circumstances, let your papa hear you say that!” I laughed at the worried look on Sia’s and Lilah’s faces.

“Why not? Papa said I shouldn’t ever lie to him. Especially about boys.”

“There are some lies that are necessary,” Sia countered, sitting down on her chair with Grace on her lap. “The ones that stop Zane from being skinned alive are essential.”

“What’s this about Zane?” Ky’s voice came from the doorway. AK and Styx following.

“Err, he was good, you know, getting Gracie-girl some snacks,” Sia uttered, tripping over her words. Ky frowned at his sister, shook his head and then focused on his wife.

My sisters moved so Ky could pick up the babies. He lifted Azrael in his arms. Turning to Styx, he said, “Meet the future VP of the Hangmen.” Styx smirked and picked up Charon, who was wriggling in Mae’s arms. As I watched Ky and Styx holding their sons, then Ky giving Lilah Azrael and taking hold of Talitha, all I saw was Flame holding our baby one day. Smiling as freely as Styx and Ky. Flame did not smile much. I prayed we could one day be just like this.

As though my heart sensed him near, my gaze drifted to the open doorway. Flame stood beyond the door; his attention fixed intently on me. “Flame,” I acknowledged and held out my hand. He saw my offered hand, but then firmly shook his head. His gaze darted to the babies, and I saw raw fear in his stare. He stumbled back a few steps but forced himself stand his ground, keeping me firmly in sight. My heart split in two at the sheer panic on his face. His hands were curled into fists at his side, and I could see his brow glistening with stress. My husband did not like hospitals because of what he endured before AK and Viking found him in a psychiatric hospital. But seeing him like this… it destroyed me.

I moved to Lilah’s side. She held both babies once again. “I need to go home,” I insisted quietly, not wanting to disturb the happy conversations around me. Lilah’s gaze drifted over my shoulder to Flame. She nodded softly and I kissed her goodbye. I ran my finger over each of the twins’ cheeks. “I will be back soon, little ones.”

“It will all work out. Trust in this, sister,” Lilah said with conviction. I left the room and approached Flame. His eyes were wide and fearful, the whites too bright against his midnight irises. Holding out my hand, I said, “Shall we go home?” He nodded vigorously, but when I went to hold his hand, he flinched and pulled it back toward his chest, as if my touch were infectious. My pulse kicked into a frantic, panicked beat. Flame stepped back from Copyright 2016 - 2024