My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8) - Tillie Cole Page 0,111

the table. “Tank, Bull and Tanner, y’all are on security tonight.” Since the new clubhouse was built, Styx had ordered us to take shifts watching out for any fucker who might attack. There had been nothing but silence since the fucking fire. Radio fucking silence. I fucking hated it. Styx hated it. Shit, we all hated it. Styx scanned the table. “Smiler?”

“Still no sign,” Tank said. Smiler had been gone for fucking months. Fucking AWOL. Just up and left. No one had heard shit from him.

Styx took a drink of his whiskey. “Tanner? What’ve you got?” he signed. Tanner had some kind of folder with him.

“No new fucking leads.” He shook his head. “I ain’t seen nothing like it.” He ran his finger over his lip. “I’m not just saying it, but I’m the best hacker ‘round here. Was the best in the military when I was there and the best now. And I can’t get shit on them.” He opened the folder. “But this symbol, the one that was branded on the trafficked bitch from the woods, months back, that I’m fucking seeing everywhere.”

Ky leaned over the table pointing at the picture. “What am I looking at?”

“These are the police pictures from Charley’s old man, who was killed. Charley, Adelita’s best friend. Part of a drug family out in California who sold Quintana’s shit.” Tanner pointed at the dead guy in the picture. “Lifted them from the police database.” He pointed to a smaller part of the picture. “Look at his fucking hand.” I tried to see what they were all seeing.

“Motherfucker,” Cowboy spat. “It’s that fucking symbol.”

“Engraved on his motherfucking hand.” Tanner passed the picture around. “I keep thinking of that bitch in the woods. Since Charley was taken, we’ve never found a single fucking trace of her, anywhere. Lita has nightmares about it.” He shrugged. “I’m thinking, whoever the fuck these fuckers are, might have been the ones to take her.”

“The bitch who punched me,” Viking said, nodding his head. “Remember that bitch well. Motherfuckers!”

“Traffickers?” AK suggested.

“Possibly,” Tanner said. “But Traffickers normally aren’t hidden this good. They leave a trace—money, travel, something. These assholes? Clean as a fucking disinfected whistle.”

“And they have a target on us? Fucking perfect,” Ky said. He looked to Styx. “Where the fuck do we go from here?”

Styx stared down at the table. A knock sounded on the door just as he lifted his hands to speak. Ash opened the door, and Rider was on the other side. I sat up straight. Maddie? Beatrix? Were they hurt? I got to my feet. Rider faced me. “It’s not Maddie or Beatrix, Flame. They’re fine.”

My heart was fucking pounding in my chest. It wasn’t them. They weren’t hurt. I sat back down in my seat.

“Then what?” Ky asked.

Rider looked behind him, and Ruth walked through the door. Her head was lowered, and her face seemed pale. “Mama?” Rider said and Ruth lifted her head to look around the table. She then looked at Styx. “Mama came to me last night,” Rider said. Beside me, Viking became tense. His hands gripped the arms of the chair.

“Calm down,” AK said to him quietly. “Let her speak.”

“You good?” Ky asked.

“Go on,” Rider said, and nodded to his mama.

Ruth stepped forward. Her hands were joined in front of her, fingers moving around each other. I knew that meant she was nervous. “I did not say anything at the time. I…” She paused, then swallowed. “I have never known what it was or what it meant.” She stopped, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “In The Order… life was not great. I know you know this. I…” Ruth reached out and took hold of Rider’s hand. “I was young when I had my boys. Too young, barely a teenager.” She pushed her hair behind her ears. “I have no memory of what came before, and very little in the immediate aftermath of having my boys taken from me.” She swallowed. “I was broken by my brother, Prophet David. I… I believe now I had some kind of breakdown.”

“I get it, Ruth, but what does this have to do with us?” Ky asked slowly.

Rider nodded at Ruth when she met his eyes. Ruth untucked her shirt and pulled down the waistband of her jeans at one side. I saw Ky fucking freeze.

“Fuck,” Viking spat. Ruth moved to the side. Then I saw it. The symbol, the symbol that Tanner had just shown to us. It was a scar, not Copyright 2016 - 2024