My Lady Jane - Cynthia Hand Page 0,27

his nibbling for the time being.

When he was finished, Jane sighed and gathered up the torn stems of what was once a bundle of White Roses of York and a dozen cowslips. G remembered because his mother had picked them out specifically, having pledged her troth holding a similar bouquet when she’d married G’s father.

“You are an E∂ian?” Something between awe and yearning appeared on Jane’s face.

G gave his best nod.

Jane set the stems down on the table and turned back to G. “You must tell me everything. How did you get the magic? When did it first appear?”

G tried to follow her questions, but a sensuous odor wafted into the bedchamber, filling his large nostrils and making his mouth water.

He sniffed loudly and whinnied.

“Gifford? Are you listening to me?” Jane’s voice cut through his preoccupation with his olfactory senses.

He wanted to answer that of course he wasn’t listening to her. She obviously wasn’t the source of the scent.

He stamped his right hoof on the wooden floor, hoping the lady would understand the simplest of horse signals.

“Change back so you can speak to me,” Jane said. “Please.”

But to G, it sounded like wah wah wah and wah wah wah, for all he could focus on was the smell in the air.

Apples, G thought.

He closed his eyes and shook his mane.

With a helping of . . . hay.

The door to the bedchamber squeaked open an inch, and the aroma intensified. G turned away from the lady, who was apparently still talking because her mouth was moving, and toward the door.

“Lady Jane?” It was Billingsly’s voice coming through.

Jane pulled the bedcovers up to her neck. “Yes?”

“It’s Billingsly, my lady. I believe Lord G is still within the room? I am here to help.”

“Please come in,” Jane said.

Billingsly entered carrying an apple in one hand and clutching stalks of hay in the other. G released a full-blown neigh at the sight.

Billingsly held out the apple and G latched on to it with his teeth, the succulent juices dripping onto his tongue.

“There’s a good boy,” Billingsly said, scratching G’s neck.

Before he could consider how it would look to Jane, G nuzzled Billingsly’s cheek in response. He quickly pulled back and shook out his mane, in what he hoped was a very dignified manner. Yes, he was a horse, but he was still a man. Except anatomically. And he would be treated accordingly, with the utmost respect.

“Here, boy,” Billingsly said, dangling the hay in front of G’s nose and then tossing the bundle into the far corner of the room. “Fetch!”

G sauntered over to the corner and began chewing.

“I asked him to change back to talk to me, but he won’t,” Jane said. “It’s disrespectful to remain a horse in the bedchamber, I should think.”

Considering what had to have been a monumental shock, she seemed to be taking the equestrian news rather well.

“My lady, Lord G does not have the ability to change as he pleases. He is a horse from sunup to sundown.”

“Does not have the ability? I’ve read about E∂ians who undergo their initial change in moments of great emotion, but the ability to control it can be learned through focused training. All it requires is determination and discipline. Perhaps Gifford simply lacks that, but I would be pleased to help. I’ve quite a knowledge of E∂ians.”

And, good feelings gone. He blew a raspberry toward her and she flinched.

“I’m sorry, did I offend the beast?” Jane said.

“My lady, you might consider leaving the bedchamber to Lord G for the day.”

Her lips pressed together. “Why should I be the one to leave?”

“Because Lord G, in his present state, cannot fit through the door.”

(This was true, for the average size of a human being during this age was much shorter than it is today, and the doorframes reflected that.)

At this, G looked frantically about for escape options. The window was nearly large enough for him to leap through; however, they were at least fifty feet above the ground, and horses were not known for their ability to absorb the impact of a fifty-foot free fall.

G scraped his hoof along the floorboards, as if he were a bull looking to charge. The only problem was, he had nowhere to go. He snorted. With no place to run, the curse was feeling very much like a prison as opposed to its usual feeling of freedom.

“My lady, Lord G has an affinity for running when he is in this condition. And now that he is trapped here for Copyright 2016 - 2024