My Know-It-All Nemesis - Maggie Dallen Page 0,41

is true. Why wait? Let’s get started right now.”

I was teasing, and she knew it because she leaned against me, her hands drawing my head down toward hers. “Well,” she said with a smug little grin. “Maybe we don’t have to start right this second…”

Then she kissed me, and I had to agree—right now, there was nothing more important than kissing my girl.



My Fake Boyfriend

A Sneak Peek of book 3 in the Sweet Mountain High Series

By Lacy Andersen

Mia Jackson

Life at Sweet Mountain High had never been this exciting – or this newsworthy. As I waded through Tim Pfieffer’s crowded house, I couldn’t help but feel lightning shocks of excitement in my belly. Tim was celebrating his big and unexpected win as President of the Student Council by throwing a raging party. There were people dancing on tables in the dining room, a nighttime corn hole tournament in the back yard, nerf basketball in the living room, and I was pretty sure I heard a whisper that a D&D game was going on in the basement.

Nerds and jocks unite!

Students from nearly every social group were here tonight, and that was something worth publishing about in The Prowler, Sweet Mountain High’s newspaper. With my trusty miniature notebook in hand, I searched through the party, looking for my angle. It had to be good. Lindsey Beck, editor of the school’s newspaper, would settle for nothing less than spectacular. Not that she’d ever published any of my pieces. She pretty much hated me. But I had to try. The moment my gaze fell on Kate Andrews and Miller Hardwell cozying up on a chair on the back patio, I had it.

Everybody loved a good love story.

"Guys, got a few seconds for me?" I asked, pushing through the sliding glass door. It was a little windy outside. My blonde curls fell into my face, and I blew them away with a puff of air, my attention totally focused on my targets. "It’s for The Prowler."

They both paused making adorable goo-goo eyes at each other to look at me.

"Sure, Mia," Kate said, shifting her position on Miller’s lap. "What do want to know?"

I took the empty seat across from them as I flipped to a blank space in my notebook. A few of the baseball jocks had set up camp nearby and were tossing up empty cans and hitting them into the pool with a limp pool noodle. They cheered every time one of them made contact, and I had to resist rolling my eyes as I scribbled Kate’s name and tried to maintain focus.

Jimmy Alston stood in the midst of the group with his wavy black hair, vivid green eyes, and that ridiculous grin that for some reason made girls swoon over him. It figured. He was always causing trouble – and always getting out of it.

It was obvious that Jimmy and his other jock friends were only concerned about baseball and pulling pranks on innocent people. Honestly, I seriously doubted whether Jimmy remembered I was still alive. As a senior, he was one year ahead of me at school and set to graduate in a few months. I kept a fifteen-foot radius around him at all times. Back in middle school, I’d almost been a victim of one of his pranks, but he’d learned his lesson.

Mia Jackson was tougher than she looked.

"I’d love to write about what happened to make you guys both drop out of the race at once," I said, redirecting my attention back to the couple. "Can you give me any juicy details? What happened?"

"Well, I guess you could say that I did it for him," Kate said, giving me a sweet smile. She batted her eyelashes at Miller, running her hand down his arm. "I just didn’t think he could take losing to me. The male ego is so fragile, you know?"

Miller burst out with a laugh and then tickled her, making her squeal. "Right, okay. If that’s how it’s going to be, then I officially quit the race because I knew Kate would be too intimated to date a presidential figure."

Kate huffed and crossed her arms. "Whatever."

"It’s true." He winked at me. "I couldn’t have her running away from me, just when I’d fallen for her."

I bit back a smile as Miller tugged teasingly on Kate’s blonde ponytail and then pulled her gently in for a kiss. It was too cute for words.


This was exactly what I needed to get my story into print. Love and intrigue—that was Copyright 2016 - 2024