On My Knees - J. Kenner Page 0,107

Jackson, I don’t know what the fuck you were thinking.”

He drew in a breath, and in that moment he felt as broken as he’d ever felt. “I can’t not be with her, Cass.”

She cocked her head and studied his face. “Then you need to get your act together. Because you’re going to lose her if you don’t give it a rest.”

“Have I lost her?” Just asking the question burned a hole in his gut. “Can I fix this?”

“I don’t know.” She sighed. “Look, she loves you. I know that. But you know that song? Love is all you need?” He nodded. “Well, it’s bullshit. Love isn’t all you need. You need love and respect and communication and—”

Jackson couldn’t help it. He pulled her close and kissed her cheek. “Christ, Cassidy. She is so damn lucky to have you.”

“Hell, yeah, she is.” She plunked herself down on her stool and studied him. “So what are you going to do?”

“Whatever I have to. I fucked up, and I’m going to make it right. I can’t lose her, Cass. I love her.”

Cass’s smile spread wide. “Good answer. But I’m not the one you need to be saying that to.”

“No,” he said, “you’re not.” He checked his watch. “Jamie’s party’s in a few hours. She’s still going, right?”

“Yup. Siobhan and I are picking her up at eight.”

“Good. That leaves us just enough time.”

“For what?” she asked.

He met her eyes. “There’s something I need you to do for me.”


I’m not wearing the biker jacket—I tried, but all it did was make me long for Jackson. All it did was confuse me, because I want him beside me—I’m craving his touch. I miss talking with him. I miss being with him.

And despite the way he fucked up, I miss the way that he understands me.

But at the same time I want to push him away. To scream and yell and demand that he tell me how he could have done this. How he could have taken everything good between us and turned it so horribly, terribly around.

How he could have screwed me over like he did.

Him. The man who knows me so well. Or, at least, who I thought knew me so well.

“Did you come to the party as you?”

I look up to see Nikki smiling at me, looking fabulous in a Native American princess outfit. We’re in the kitchen of Jamie’s condo. I’d come here to hide from the crowd that fills this small apartment and has overflowed to the pool area downstairs.

“What?” I say stupidly.

“Your costume. Or lack thereof.”

“Oh. No, I’m an alien.” I grin, then indicate my pink T-shirt and pleated white skirt. “I’m from a planet far, far away and I’m blending in seamlessly with the local population.” After I abandoned the biker idea, I didn’t have the heart to wear anything else. So I just wore my regular clothes. So far, everyone who asks likes my answer.

Nikki doesn’t look fooled, though. “I saw Cass. I’m sorry.”

“What did she tell you?”

“Nasty fight. Possible pending reconciliation, but the jury is still out.”

I grimace. “Yeah, that’s pretty much the sum of it.”

“It’s nice you came. Jamie would have understood if you skipped out.”

I lift a shoulder. “I didn’t want to blow her off. But I am feeling a little … I don’t know … unfestive.”

“Like I said, I think you have license to leave. But if you just need time to get a grip, you can use my old bedroom.” She points to the two steps that lead up to the condo’s two bedrooms. “Jamie uses it as an office now. So there’s a couch. I’m pretty sure it’s unlocked, but if you want I’ll ask and grab you the key.”

I shake my head. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”

“Men fuck up, you know. Except for Damien,” she adds with a completely straight face. “He’s perfectly perfect.”

She manages to hold it together for a minute, and then we both laugh.

“You’re telling me I should forgive him?”

She lifts a shoulder. “I don’t know what he did, so I can’t really say. But I do know how the two of you are together, and I hate to see you both hurting. That’s all.”

Behind us, Cass and Siobhan and Jamie step into the kitchen. It’s galley style, and with the five of us, it’s a little crowded.

“Are we gossiping?” Jamie asks.

“Always,” Nikki says.

“Cool,” Jamie says. “What about?”

“Boyfriend drama,” Cass says. “See, this is why I’m a lesbian.”

“I thought you were a lesbian because I’m so good in bed,”

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