My Kind of Crazy - Robin Reul Page 0,72

to me at her age to know I mattered to someone like that. It can be a lonely friggin’ road, Hank. But knowing you’re not alone can carry you through some pretty dark places.”

I shift the weight of the duffel bag to my other hand and tell her, “Look, I figure I’ve got about another thirty seconds until someone comes knocking on this door looking for me. Is she upstairs in your room?”

She smiles and nods. I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

“She can’t really stay here, Hank. I could get in big trouble if anyone finds out that she’s not really my sister and she’s underage. She doesn’t belong in a place like this.”

“Yeah, well…neither do you.” It’s the truth. Monica deserves much better. She stands and pulls me into a hug, then motions to the door.

“Go get her.”

I sneak out of Monica’s dressing room and make my way up the back stairwell undetected. I can hear the sounds of a muffled TV on the other side of the door and I knock gingerly.

A few seconds later, Peyton is standing in front of me. I have about five million things I want to say to her, but all I really want to do is hug her because it’s so damn good to see her.

I thought she’d be equally excited to see me, but instead she bursts out with a single laugh, then covers her mouth. Not quite the reaction I expected. That’s when I realize I still have the frickin’ headphones around my neck and aviator shades on my head, and I’m carrying the duffel bag. “Is that eyeliner on your chin?”

“Nice to see you too. Laugh it up all you want. You have no idea what I went through to get to you.”

“So, I’m guessing you must have talked with Amanda Carlisle,” she says, her smile fading. Her mouth turns down slightly as she says Amanda’s name.

“Can we discuss this on our way back to my house? Because I’m positive the DJ has figured out by now that I’m not here as his backup.” I motion with my thumbs in the direction of the exit, but she just stands there.

“Amanda wasted no time tracking you down, did she? Well, I’m glad it all worked out. I know this is what you wanted, and you deserve it. I’m happy for you guys.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I made such a mess of things between you and your dad. The least I could do was make sure Amanda knew the truth and set things right.”

I step into the room and shut the door behind me. “Seriously? I just snuck into a strip club, which, according to the signage outside, is highly illegal and impersonated a DJ. So please, can you grab your stuff? We can hash out all the details somewhere less sketchy.”

She’s still not moving. I lean back against the door and sigh.

“Jesus, Peyton, why’d you run away like that? I didn’t know where you were or if something happened to you.”

“I didn’t want to make things more complicated for you than I already have. I thought it would be easier if I left. It wasn’t fair to you.” She bites at her lip. “That night, when I saw the fire you set on Amanda’s lawn, I thought you were a kindred spirit. Finally, someone who understands me! Why I do what I do, what I think, how I feel. Someone who wouldn’t judge me. But I was wrong. I got so caught up in spending time with you that I forgot you actually wanted to be with Amanda. The whole reason we started hanging out was because you showed up that night to invite her to prom. Well, now you have a chance to finish what you started. Take it. I want you to be happy, Hank.”

I step into the room toward her and tell her, “I am happy, Peyton. Don’t you get that?”

She folds her arms across her chest and avoids looking at me. “You guys can go to prom, boy gets girl, and the story has a happy ending after all.”

“I’m not taking Amanda to prom. Do I honestly look like the kind of guy that gives a crap about a dance?”

“You should go, Hank. I won’t hold it against you. Amanda Carlisle is pretty, popular, and uncomplicated. Everything I’m not. I’m sure that would make your dad super happy.”

“I’m not interested in prom or Amanda Carlisle or what my dad thinks about who I like. Copyright 2016 - 2024