My Husband's Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,43

she felt inside her. Working on the premise that it was better for her child to have one loving parent than two warring ones, she’d told herself she would rather be a single parent, but right now she was so glad Joe was around sharing some of the responsibility. Seeing how he’d been with Ollie today had reminded her how much he really did care about her little boy, making her realise that, as men go, she could do worse. Far worse. She would take her worry head off for tonight, she decided, looking forward to snuggling up in bed with Joe, who’d turned out to be an excellent foot-warmer as well as lover. He was extremely intuitive in that department too.

‘Thanks,’ she said, looking him over as he straightened up. Broad-shouldered and dark-haired, and with that broody look about him he sometimes had, he was definitely attractive – she felt an undeniable little flip of excitement in the pit of her tummy – in and out of his uniform.

‘No problem,’ he whispered, a smile curving his mouth as he caught her gaze gliding over him. ‘I’ll go and make us a coffee. Unless you prefer something stronger?’

‘A liqueur coffee might be nice,’ she suggested, thinking that would be just what was needed to ensure they relaxed before bed.

‘One coffee with Cointreau coming up,’ Joe said.

Knowing it was her tipple of choice, he’d brought some with him last time he was here. They hadn’t had a chance to open it yet. He was thoughtful too. Yes, she could do a lot worse than Joe. She caught his hand as he walked to the door, tugging him back towards her and leaning to plant a kiss on his cheek.

He arched his eyebrows amusedly. ‘What was that for?’

She shrugged. ‘Just because.’

‘Fair enough. As long as it’s a promise of more,’ he said, giving her a mischievous wink.

Definitely, Sarah thought as he headed on out. He really was lovely. Quite irresistible. She could see what Ollie saw in him.

Sighing happily, she went across to the little boy, who was wriggling onto his side. ‘We have to brush your teeth, sweetheart,’ she reminded him, easing his thumb away from his mouth. She was almost tempted to leave him, but she really should get him into his jim-jams. ‘Come on.’ She helped him to sitting. ‘Arms up, and let’s get this dirty T-shirt off, shall we?’ It was spattered with strawberry sundae, not something she would be happy to let him sleep in.

After hitching the shirt over his head, she helped him with his jeans and trainers. Once he was in his pyjamas, she led him to the bathroom, where his teeth-brushing consisted of a lick and a spit – ah well, it would have to do for tonight – and then helped him back to bed and tucked him in. Reminding herself not to be too miffed that his fringe was lopsided, she smoothed it away from his forehead, then leaned to kiss his cheek and breathe in the special smell of him. ‘Night, night, little man,’ she said, hugging him close.

‘Where’s Mr Whale?’ he asked, craning his neck to glance worriedly around as she straightened up.

Damn, she’d forgotten about the cuddly toy. Would that Ollie would, she thought, possibly a bit childishly. ‘In your bag, I think. Hold on, I’ll fetch him.’

Going across to his bag, which she’d dropped by the door, she delved inside to fish for Mr Whale – and froze. ‘Ollie …’ Her heart leapt into her mouth as she drew out a pair of scissors. ‘Where did you get these?’ she asked, walking back towards him. They were obviously safety scissors, but what in God’s name were Laura and Steve thinking, letting him carry them around?

‘Laura gave me them.’ Ollie blinked sleepily. ‘To cut up the animals.’

The hairs on Sarah’s skin rose at the image that conjured up, but she bit hard on her tongue, humming softly to him instead until he’d drifted off, his whale tucked under his arm in place of his maimed bunny. Creeping quietly out, she pulled the door to behind her. Her heart was still thumping as she went downstairs, taking the scissors with her. Was she getting this out of proportion too? Should she be glibly saying okey-dokey to everything Laura did? Even allowing Ollie to carry scissors around in his bag? They were obviously in there so he could bring them home with him, but why would she put them in there Copyright 2016 - 2024