My Husband's Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,18

‘This is all new to him, leaving me, sleeping in a strange bed in a strange house. He’ll be bewildered. He needs familiar things around him, his comfort toy, his daddy tucking him in, not some strange bloody woman he’s only just met.’

Joe nodded slowly. His eyes were still flecked with concern, but Sarah guessed from his puzzled expression that he didn’t really understand how important this was, that routine was paramount to a child’s development. ‘You’re upset,’ he said. ‘You’re bound to be a bit.’

‘Of course I’m upset.’ She moved away from him. ‘I just … I don’t trust her, Joe.’

He furrowed his brow, his expression growing serious. ‘Why?’ he asked, probably worried now in a professional capacity, and Sarah almost wished she hadn’t said it. The fact was, though, she didn’t trust Laura. How could she?

‘Because of the things she told Steve,’ she reminded him.

Joe’s expression was back to confused.

‘She said she was traumatised by our meeting. Why would she say that? That she felt uncomfortable, when I saw she was struggling and did my best to make her feel relaxed?’

‘Struggling how?’ He looked at her as if he were struggling – to keep up.

‘She has a stutter, though I’m beginning to wonder if she actually does.’

‘Right.’ Joe nodded again pensively and drew in a breath. ‘Sarah, are you sure you’re not getting this a little out of perspective?’

‘No I am not. It’s her who’s getting things out of perspective,’ Sarah retaliated, her frustration mounting. Could no one see what was happening here but her? ‘I just don’t understand why she would have told Steve what she did unless it was to make me look bad.’

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he tipped his head to one side and squinted curiously at her for a long, contemplative moment. Then, ‘Why would you care what Steve thinks, though?’ he asked her.

Her heart plummeted. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ she asked, though she knew from the flash of humiliation in his eyes exactly what he meant. He too clearly thought she was jealous of Laura.

‘Nothing.’ He ran a hand over his neck, looking now as frustrated as she felt. ‘I can’t see why you would be so upset about what might well be a simple miscommunication, that’s all.’

Miscommunication? Sarah stared at him. The problem here was that there was no communication. Steve and his new girlfriend were changing Ollie’s routine without consulting her and with no thought about the consequences. ‘Whose side are you on?’ she asked, biting back her tears.

‘Jesus.’ Joe shook his head and eyed the ceiling. ‘I’m on your side, Sarah, obviously. It’s just—’

‘Me being neurotic,’ she finished flatly.

‘I don’t think that. The thing is, though …’ He hesitated. ‘I didn’t want to interrupt so I waited on the landing before coming down. I didn’t hear Steve saying that Laura had said those things after meeting you. What I heard was him telling you how she felt.’

Sarah laughed, incredulous. ‘She said I’d given her a hard time.’

‘That wasn’t my interpretation,’ Joe disagreed. ‘From where I was, it sounded as if it was Steve asking you why you’d given her such a hard time.’

She looked at him, confused. ‘It’s the same thing.’

‘Is it? She probably did feel uncomfortable before you two spoke; with good reason, since she has a stutter and her boyfriend’s ex-partner was demanding to meet her on her own, to weigh her up, no doubt. Think about it: wouldn’t you feel anxious? From what you say, the meeting went well, though, so …’

Sarah’s stomach knotted. ‘You mean you don’t think she was reporting back.’

Joe shrugged. ‘I think I’d probably talk to her before jumping to too many conclusions.’

Meaning he did think she was being neurotic – out of jealousy. Was it possible she was, because she thought Laura might replace her in Ollie’s affections as well as Steve’s?


Ollie’s feet had barely touched the pavement before he was racing towards Sarah to throw himself into her arms, his little face beaming and obviously excited to see her. Swooping him up, she squeezed him close, peppering his cheeks with sloppy kisses and nuzzling his neck, which had him in a fit of giggles in an instant. His fringe had been cut, she noticed, her tummy flipping. Had Steve done that? Or had Laura? Quashing her immediate agitation, she made herself smile, for her little boy’s sake. ‘Did you have a lovely time?’ she asked him.

‘Uh-huh.’ Ollie nodded enthusiastically. ‘Mr Whale did too.’ He waggled the new soft Copyright 2016 - 2024