My Husband's Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,16


‘Brilliant.’ Laura beamed him another smile. ‘I’ll make sure we have some refreshments handy. Meanwhile, how about I read you your bedtime story while Daddy has a little rest?’

‘Never Ask a Dragon!’ As Ollie scrambled to tuck himself under his duvet, Laura reached out a hand to save his dinosaur tower from tumbling from the bed.

‘Ooh, okay, but I’m not sure where your book is.’ She frowned thoughtfully. ‘How about I tell you a story about a special superhero, one nobody else knows exists?’

His interest pricked up at that. ‘Will he be my special superhero?’ He looked hopefully up at her.

‘Definitely.’ Smiling, she turned on his night light and snuggled down next to him. ‘So … Once upon a time there was a little boy—’

‘Like me?’ Ollie whispered, as they both gazed up at an ocean brought to life by the softly rotating light.

‘Yes, just like you.’ Laura snuggled closer, badly wanting to curl her body around him and hold him until his breath slowed to a deep, contented sleep. ‘If you look up there and concentrate really hard,’ she pointed to the fish on the ceiling weaving sinuously through the seaweed, ‘you might glimpse him.’



Sarah unfurled herself from the sofa. She and Joe were supposed to be having a relaxing evening catching up on a thriller series on Netflix, but her attention kept wandering. She couldn’t stop dwelling on Laura and what she’d told Steve. No matter how many times she went over it, it simply wasn’t right. In her recollection, they’d got along fine. Laura had even managed not to stammer. She wouldn’t have done that if she’d been stressed or uncomfortable in Sarah’s company.

‘Need more wine?’ Pausing the TV, Joe half rose from his seat.

‘Oh.’ Sarah glanced at the wine glass she’d absent-mindedly picked up as she’d got to her feet. ‘Thanks,’ she managed a small smile, ‘but I’m feeling a bit too tired to watch TV, to be honest. Do you mind if I pop up and have a quick soak in the bath?’ She actually wanted to text Steve and make sure Ollie was okay. He’d called her earlier, but she needed to know her little boy was safely tucked up in bed and that Steve had given him a goodnight kiss for her. She’d suggested he put him on the phone before he settled down for the night, but Steve said he thought that might make him homesick. Sarah had supposed he was right. But she missed him already, so very much. She really did feel as if part of her was missing.

‘No problem. Give me a shout once you’re in,’ Joe said. ‘I’ll come and help you ease some of that tension.’

Was it so obvious that she was wound up like a watch spring? ‘No, you carry on watching,’ she insisted. ‘I’ll feel bad if I drag you away from it.’

‘We’ll be out of sync then. In any case, I’d rather watch you soaking in the bath.’ His mouth curved into a suggestive smile.

Sarah gave him a mock scowl. ‘You’re insatiable,’ she scolded him. She was glad he was here. She wasn’t sure what she would have done otherwise, rattling around the empty house on her own, and he did her flagging ego the world of good. He’d already hinted she was worrying too much, though, and she didn’t want him thinking she was checking up on Steve, which she supposed she was.

‘Says the woman who practically jumped me while I was distracted making coffee,’ Joe called after her as she reached the hall.

Sarah laughed. ‘I didn’t hear you protesting very loudly,’ she called back.

‘Because my mouth was otherwise engaged,’ Joe replied smartly. ‘Let me know when you want your back scrubbed. I’ll bring your wine up.’

‘That would be lovely. Thanks.’ Sarah headed quickly up the stairs.

Turning on the taps and treating herself to a generous amount of Wild Argan Oil Bubbling Bath, she went back to the bedroom to text Steve. It took her a while to get the wording right; she wasn’t sure what to say that didn’t sound like she was questioning his parenting skills. Did he settle down okay? she finally sent.

He took forever to answer. The bath was almost full when she heard her phone ping a reply: Laura says he’s happily tucked up with Mr Whale.

Mr … who? Sarah squinted at the text, confused. Did he not go to bed with Bunny? she sent back worriedly. Ollie never went to bed without Bunny. If he woke in Copyright 2016 - 2024