My Forbidden Doctor - Stephanie Brother Page 0,35

See, I told you she wouldn't ghost me, Laurie." Stepping through the threshold, I shot Mel a blatant 'what the fuck' look, but she just stared back blankly. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be okay when I can shut the door."

Someone's not having a good time. Laurie shuffled into Melissa's apartment, and I frowned at the redhead when she reached to wipe her eye very carefully. Right up next to the door was a huge, expensive looking air purifier, and worry soured my tongue when I saw a second one by the balcony door. There was probably a third in her bedroom, but Mel still looked like she was going to just keel over.

"Do you need an emergency prescription, Mel?" When I reached to touch her, Melissa pulled back with a slight shake of her head. Hurt stabbed my chest, but the closer I looked, the more I realized she was running on autopilot. "What's going on, huh?"

"I'm really tired. That's all. My dad didn't give me much time before telling me he offered up my apartment for this." Alarm rang in my ears as my sister scoffed lightly, and Mel sighed listlessly. "If Terry didn't help me out, I'd still be in my pajamas."

"Our mom said your dad said you offered your apartment..." Suspicion thickened Laurie's tone, and I struggled to catch up to their conversation. "It's nice to finally meet you, Melissa. Officially."

"I would say the same, but I'm miserable right now." They did an awkward half-hug kind of thing, and I stared dumbly between Laurie and Melissa. "I've got wine. You're gonna need it. A lot of it. All of it, probably."

"Maybe we will be best friends." I followed the pair into the kitchen, and my mom and her dad were sitting at a table designed for no more than three people comfortably. "Hi, Mom."

"Oh, Laurie! Carl! Wonderful— we have some great news!" My mom was practically bursting at the seams with excitement, and I blinked hard. She smiled so wide, her eyes glistening so brightly, and the dread in my gut intensified. "We got married last week!"

"Ex-fucking-scuse me!" My sister screeched like a banshee, and I trembled under the weight of my mom's smile falling off her face. "You did not! You did not! Mom!"

"You got married to this scumbag?" Disgust thickened my words, and I scanned Augustus through narrowed eyes. "I beg your pardon? Is that why you went to Vegas? To get hitched? Like trailer trash trying to escape the disapproval of your family?"

"Trailer trash!" My mom gasped in affront, and I tore my eyes off Augustus as my mom stomped her foot like a child. "I'll have you know that I was the one who suggested we get married. Auggie wanted to get engaged first, but—"

"You don't think it's a huge red flag to want to get engaged after two months!" Frowning as Laurie took the words right out of my mouth, I crossed my arms over my chest tightly. Discomfort and disbelief crowded my heart and coated my ribs like tar, and my gaze eventually wandered to Melissa. She leaned against the kitchen counter, her head bobbing dangerously, and my sister's budding screaming match with my mom drowned out from concern.

Wandering over to her, I nudged Mel gingerly with my elbow, and her head snapped up some as she inhaled sharply in surprise. Who I could only think was Terry was gulping down wine, hiding behind the refrigerator and watching the drama. He didn't so much as glance at me, but I could hear him furiously typing away as everything played out.

"How much medication are you on, Mel?" Glossy, green eyes found mine briefly, and I cupped her face gently to press on either side of her small nose with my thumbs. She hissed but really didn't react much, and I held my breath and closed my eyes to lean in. Even dosed up, she was wheezing, her lungs a little crackly when I leaned to press my ear against her chest where her dress didn't quit cover her.

"Melissa?" Shit. I tapped her cheek softly, but her eyelids didn't so much as flutter in reaction. Allergy medication wasn't supposed to do this, and alarm restricted my pupils. "Mel! Hey!"

"Is she okay?" Glancing over at the guy as he jumped off the counter, I licked my dry lips as cotton stuffed my mouth.

"What did she take before we got here? How much alcohol has she had? How many times did she use her inhaler?"

"Ah— she Copyright 2016 - 2024