My Forbidden Doctor - Stephanie Brother Page 0,29


Surprise widened my eyes, and the hairs on my neck bristled when Carl stepped out to close the door gingerly behind him. I never expected him to be at a bar, and I jolted a little as I sat up. He hadn't noticed me while he walked back to the bar to take up his stool again, calmly nursing a brown beer bottle.

Of course we'd bump into each other again. That's how it went, didn't it? The universe said, 'here you go!' and screw the consequences.

"God. He's so handsome. And polite— and thoughtful... and—" Terry craned his neck at my mumble, and I blinked hard as I trailed off. The liquid courage flooding my veins warmed my body as I watched Carl drain his beer and order another. His Bluetooth hung onto his ear, and his lips moved as if he was talking to someone but surely enjoying the conversation. He smiled, gesturing in thanks to the bartender, and I bit my lip hard.

"You should go say 'hi', Melissa."

"I should screw him in the bathroom— that's what I should do." My murmur made Terry choke loudly, and I glanced over as his jaw hit the table and eyes boggled slightly. Scrunching up my nose at his shock, I frowned a little. "What?"

"Maybe, it's a good thing you're not into hard liquor, Mel."

Puffing out my lips, I shook my head as Terry picked himself out of his surprise. When I glanced back over at the bar, Carl's attention was firmly on me, and it was obvious that wasn't his second beer so far. "He's kinda hot— not as cute as Jason, though."

"That's just because your man has those pretty Spanish features." True, Jason was first generation American direct from Spain, but I couldn't hold the thought. Across the lean floor, Carl drank his whole beer in three gulps without dropping eye contact. "I'll be right back."

"Sure, you will."

Ignoring Terry's drawling tone, I stood up as that tequila smashed all my inhibitions to dust. Carl's eyes narrowed on me, and my nipples tightened under the thin fabric of my party dress when he scanned me critically. My journey seemed to take a lot longer than a few seconds, and my heart pounded furiously in my chest. Before my brain could spout out reasons not to, I grabbed his face in both my palms and kissed him.

In the background, under the blood drumming in my ears, I heard Terry squeal like a teenage girl, but it faded as my scope of comprehension boiled down to just one man. A strong arm instantly wrapped around my waist, and Carl's thickly beer-stained breath intensified when he slipped his tongue between my lips. Shivers raced up my back, and goosebumps pocked my whole body when Carl drew me between his knees.

For weeks, maybe, even since the first time I saw him in his office building, I wanted to kiss Carl. And he didn't disappoint as his tongue danced with mine. Desire coiled in my abdomen, and I slung my arms around his neck to press up against his muscular chest.

"Mel—" Sighing my name, Carl pulled back.

It took me a moment to realize my eyes were closed. Cracking open my lids, my brain swam in a vat of tequila, and he opened his mouth but nothing came out.

"... If you say it, I'll never forgive you." Slurring a little, even my watery eyes could see the hesitancy in his face, and Carl frowned at my whisper. No— not right now, in this moment. He wanted to say we can't or it's wrong, but that was exactly why we should, damnit! Hot, alcohol-soaked breaths hung heavy between us, and mine hitched harshly when Carl turned to the bartender.

"I'll be right back."

Chapter 15


Fuck— fuck— fuck— Standing in my shower, I ground my knuckles against the tiled wall as memories from last night blasted through my mild hangover. Behind my shuttered lids, all I could see was Melissa in her little, black dress, her face contorted in pleasure as she rode my cock. Between my clenched teeth, all I could taste was her skin on my tongue. Her perky, C-cup breasts against my cheeks and the sound of her panting ringing in my ears.

I fucked up so bad. I slept with a patient.

Bile sloshed up my throat, and I clamped a hand over my mouth as I whipped around to dry heave into the toilet. Colorful spots assault the darkness behind my eyelids, and I gripped the edge of the Copyright 2016 - 2024