My Cone and Only (King Family #1) - Susannah Nix Page 0,75

Andie’s face in my mind the whole time, Andie’s long brown hair I’d been thinking about, and Andie’s hand the only one I’d wanted to take.

I slid my fingers into her hair and tilted her head back so I could look at her. Channeling all my hunger and longing, I adored her with my eyes as I dragged my thumb slowly across her cheek. “You know you’re the only girl I want, right?”

“I better be.” Her voice was low and rough, with a betraying hint of rawness beneath the challenging tone.

“You are.” I kissed her, and warmth spread across my chest as her mouth softened against mine. “No one else comes close to you. You’re all I can think about.” I moved my mouth to her ear, and she shivered against me. “You’re mine.”

“And you’re mine.” She curled a fist in my shirt and claimed me with her mouth, her lips lush and demanding as her tongue delved deep, marking her territory with a possessiveness that sent a thrill sizzling through me. “You better not fucking forget it.”

Just when I was starting to consider the idea of fucking her right here up against the wall next to the dumpster, she broke off the kiss and pulled back. “I guess I’m gonna have to punish you for singing that song to another woman.”

Heat licked up my spine and I nodded, grinning like a fool. “God, yes. I definitely need to be punished.”

My god, how I adored this woman. It boggled my mind how she always knew exactly what buttons to push to turn me into a quivering mass of jelly. How did I ever get so damned lucky?

She trailed her fingers down my chest, smoothing the front of my T-shirt. “I’m going back inside to say good night to my friends. I expect you to be at my place by the time I get there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

An unfamiliar giddiness fluttered through my stomach as I watched her walk away. It wasn’t just desire, although she’d definitely gotten my motor revving. This feeling that filled me up, making me want to float off the ground, was something softer and a lot more powerful than simple attraction.

It should have scared the shit out of me, but I didn’t feel any of my usual instinct to run away. Quite the opposite. I wanted to run toward Andie and everything the future held for us. Full speed ahead. All systems go.

Christ, would you listen to me? I was turning into Tanner.

Next thing you knew, I’d be telling Andie I loved her.



As I sipped my beer, watching the couples circle the floor at King’s Palace, a single question kept bobbing to the surface of my mind.

What the hell am I doing?

This was the second night in a row that Wyatt and I had gone out separately together, willingly putting ourselves in this weird-ass situation. Playing this twisted game of pretending not to care about each other.

I shouldn’t like it.

But I fucking loved it.

There was no reason we had to be here tonight. We’d chosen this. Freely and of our own volition.

Last night had been different. Shiny Heathens had had a gig, and there was no way I was letting Wyatt go to the Rusty Spoke alone. Not when I knew what he looked like up on that stage. Confident, swaggering, exuding raw magnetism. His voice as smooth as a lover’s caress. His tattooed arms flexing as his deft fingers strummed the guitar strings. His hips swaying in those tight jeans and his golden skin shining with sweat. That dreamy come fuck me look he got on his face when he was crooning his heart out.

It was enough to drive a nun to lustful thoughts, much less the single women of Crowder.

I hadn’t gone only to keep Wyatt in line, although jealousy had definitely been a factor. Along with maybe a hint of distrust, if I was being completely honest. I’d watched the man sleep his way through the population of this town far too long to simply accept that he’d suddenly given up his freewheeling ways. I wanted to believe it, but I wasn’t good at taking things on faith. I needed to collect more empirical evidence to support the hypothesis before I’d be ready to accept it as truth.

So yeah, I’d been keeping an eye on him and on any women who might decide to shoot their shot with Wyatt King. But I’d also been keeping my eye on him because I’d always loved looking at Copyright 2016 - 2024