My Brother's Keeper - By Donna Malane Page 0,65

don’t want that name any more.’ Salena wrapped her arms around her stomach as if in pain. ‘I don’t want anything to do with him ever again.’

Something was most definitely wrong here. A husband murdering his ex-wife is not usually met with such a harsh response from the incumbent. The room had lapsed into silence except for the regular squeak of the leather couch as Sunny continued to rock back and forwards, feet on the sofa, forehead tucked into her knees. Salena and the social worker had stopped yelling at each other and were watching her, but neither seemed able to decide on their next moves. I was pretty sure Sunny was ready to spring if anyone else came near her.

I risked a question. ‘What was Justin charged with?’

The women glanced at each other but neither offered a response. It was Salena who finally answered. ‘He’s been charged with obtaining objectionable material.’ Sunny wrapped her arms around her legs but kept her face hidden against her raised knees. ‘But that was just to get him away from …’ she glanced at Sunny but couldn’t say her name. ‘They said there are more serious charges pending.’

The pained face Sunny turned towards her was devastating. I was struggling to keep up. Porn charges? Justin had been charged with obtaining porn, not for killing Karen?

Sunny was shaking her head, hair swinging from side to side. ‘I can’t stand to be in this house one minute longer. I’ll just … I’ll just go totally crazy!’

Maggie moved towards her. ‘That’s the right decision, I think, Sunny. I can take you to stay with some caring people—’

‘No!’ Salena glared at the social worker. ‘I won’t have her staying with strangers.’ She turned to Sunny. ‘We can go up to the bach, Sunny. We don’t have to stay here.’

A ghastly animal moan started from somewhere deep inside Sunny’s birdlike little frame. The sound built and built, louder and louder until she was screaming; a wild high-pitched ululation. She threw back her thin body, arching her spine to an impossible curvature. Feet pounding the floor, she smacked mercilessly at her head. Niki used to do this. I always thought it was something similar to a petit mal, a kind of epileptic seizure. Just as uncontrollable anyway. From experience, I knew it would only make things worse if anyone tried to restrain her. The social worker obviously didn’t know this and strode purposefully towards Sunny, her hands ready. I blocked her. In that frozen moment in which Maggie and I were eyeballing each other, Salena running her hands through her hair, Sunny screaming and pelting herself on the head, Neo entered.


And just like that, Sunny stopped. She ran to her little brother framed in the doorway, the sunlight creating an angel’s halo of his hair. His plump face was pale and frightened. Sunny put her arms around him as if it was he who needed the comfort.

‘Sorry, Neo. I’m so sorry.’

‘Are you okay?’ he asked, his voice breaking.

Sunny hurriedly pushed her hair back behind her ears, used her sleeve to wipe the saliva and tears from her face. ‘I’m totally okay. I lost it for a minute, that’s all. I’m okay. I promise.’ This transformation must have taken a huge effort on her part. It was impressive.

Neo’s chubby little arms folded around her, too, and they stayed like that, a tableau, until the social worker broke the spell.

‘I don’t think the children should be together. Not while Sunny is so reactive.’

Sunny straightened and gave the social worker the cool direct look she had once turned on me. ‘I’m going to stay with Diane,’ she declared. I nodded my agreement, but she didn’t even look my way. Salena hurried to take ownership of Neo. Her hands rested proprietorially on his shoulders.

‘I’m happy for Sunny to stay with Diane until things settle.’ She put one hand gently on Sunny’s arm. ‘But only if it’s what you want. Of course you’re going to get upset. That’s completely understandable. If you want to stay here with us, I won’t let this woman stop us. We’re a family — even without Justin — we’re still a family.’

Sunny was clearly moved, and surprised. So was I.

‘I’ll be okay,’ Sunny said. In that moment anyway, everyone believed her.

Salena offered me her car, saying she’d use Justin’s. I waited in it, heater turned all the way up while Sunny packed a bag. I was struggling to get my head around Justin being arrested for downloading porn, and Copyright 2016 - 2024