My Brother's Best Friend - Aiden Bates Page 0,79

glanced back at the counter, waiting for them to announce my pastrami sandwich.

“Thanks for meeting me,” I said.

He bit into his footlong and nodded, then picked up a chip and waved it in front of his mouth as he swallowed. “Sure thing, Nic. You said you might have a position for me?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I mentioned your name to Saint and said you might be interested in being considered for partner. He’d like to see your resumé.”

“That’s great.” He popped his chip into his mouth and chewed it quickly. “Sorry, man. I need to eat and run. Keep talking at me, though.”

“Okay. So yeah, the path to partner. Eventually, all the responsibility you’d expect and the paycheck to match. We’re a small firm but it’s a good reputation and not too many want to go up against us these days, so we must be doing something right.”

He nodded. “I’ve done some research on your cases, and I think it’s just what I’m looking for. I just can’t get a break where I’m at.” He shook his head. “It’s almost as though someone doesn’t like me.”

“It’s tough when your face doesn’t fit.” I signaled the guy behind the counter as he looked expectantly around the room. I’d eaten enough of the deli pastrami sandwiches to know he was holding my order. “But I think you’d be the perfect fit at Caldwell & Holton.”

“Caldwell, Holton & Grant,” Brax corrected, and I laughed. “You know, I’m surprised I haven’t run into this Saint guy you always tell me about. He’s almost mythical, the way you talk about him.”

“Tell you what, I’ll set up a meeting, the two of you can meet and fall in love and mutual admiration, and you’re hired!” I joked. “Maybe then I can get some time off.”

“Everything okay? You’re not still the company workaholic, right?” Brax chewed slower, waiting for my answer.

“I’m trying not to be.” I sighed and cut my sandwich in half. The smell of the fresh baked bread filled the air, and I popped the spilled lettuce and tomato back inside the sandwich then licked the tomato seeds off my thumb.

“Oh? You got something better to do than work these days?”

“Yeah.” I couldn’t see my face, but I could feel the big grin that spread across it, and from Brax’s reaction, I knew it was a goofy one.

He chuckled. “Want to tell me about him?”

“You have to eat and run, remember?” I didn’t want his current job position to grow worse.

He shrugged. “I have prospects now. They can deal with me being fifteen minutes late back from lunch.” He sucked some soda up his straw as the door from the street opened and a rush of heat raced into the deli’s AC cooled space.

“Okay.” I hadn’t told anyone except for family—Saint definitely counted as family—and I was dying to shout about Jamie from the rooftops so all of Lakeshore knew. I’d finally found someone I wanted to be with rather than just booty call or fuck. It was pretty momentous. “So, yeah. I’ve met someone.”

Brax lifted an eyebrow just a fraction.

“He’s named Jamie, he’s Saint’s brother, and he’s about to take the bar. He’s just—” I paused. How could I sum Jamie up? Amazing or incredible sounded like I was exaggerating.

“Perfect?” Brax supplied.

Huh. I sat back, surprised I hadn’t thought of it myself, and equally surprised I agreed with the description. “Yeah. Yeah, he really is.”

“They all start out that way.” Brax shook his head as he focused on sliding his chip through his ranch dressing.

I laughed. “I really wouldn’t know. I’m usually not even in for the short haul, never mind the long haul. But this is different. I want us to be official. I’m going to tell him on our next date.”

“Wow.” Brax looked up. “Sounds like the playa has been truly played by the newbie on the block.”

“It’s not like that. No one is playing anyone.”

“Then good luck, man. Good luck.” Brax took another drink. “They do say it gets us all eventually.”

“Should we get the check?” I reached across the table and twined my fingers through Jamie’s.

A tiny white candle burned between us, and the smooth white linen tablecloth held a smattering of breadcrumbs. I’d gone up market tonight. Italian was good, hearty, home-style food, but I was out to impress. I wanted to show Jamie the luxury and level of care he could expect from a lifestyle with me. I wanted to look after him every day and ensure all of Copyright 2016 - 2024