My Big Fat Low-Fat Wedding - By Katya Starkey Page 0,99

makes quick passionate love to me and when we’re finished I’m left gasping and laughing.

“What’s funny?” Callum strokes my hair.

“Maybe you should have just fucked me thin.”

“Come again?”

“Yes please!” I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him close.

“You know what I mean.” Callum growls into my neck. “Fuck you thin, babe?”

“Yeah!” I sit up and my fiancé tumbles off of me and to the side. “Sex is great exercise, plus it’s a great de-stressor. Although, I suppose I wouldn’t want your mum to feel left out.”

“Oh what?” Callum practically screams into my ear in outrage.

“Ha!” I laugh out loud. “I didn’t mean that, you silly sausage. I just meant I wouldn’t need to take your mum’s aerobics classes if I got enough sexercise with you all the time.”

I expect my fiancé to join me in my laughter, but instead he gets up off the sofa completely. “I’ll be right back, honey. There’s something I want to show you.”

Too curious to wait, I join Callum upstairs. After putting on my dressing gown I notice my fiancé is wearing his bathrobe as he enters the bedroom. Only his dressing gown, and his hair for that matter, are covered in dust.

“Did you just crawl through the attic?”

“I did indeed, and I found this.” He’s holding a musty old photo album.

Together, we sit on the edge of the bed. “I thought your mum said all your old photos were lost in the house fire.”

Callum shakes his head. His facial features look worried. “There never was a house fire after dad died. That was all in Mum’s head.”

Oh my. This is interesting news.

“She threw out all our old photos and home videos, but I was able to save this one.” Callum opens the book.

“Is that you?” I smile grandly. “You were a fucking adorable child!”

“Thanks, babe. That means a lot to me considering I was also blatantly a very fucking fat child.”

“Don’t say it like that. You were delightfully chubby.”

“Now do you see how it makes me feel when you call yourself fat?”

I look up at my darling fiancé. His eyes are brimming with tears.

“Dad was overweight too. He drank at least ten pints a day and he was a smoker.”

I’m gobsmacked at these revelations. Callum never likes to talk about his deceased father. And every time Brenda mentions him she always paints him in a healthy light. I had no idea about the reality of the past situation.

Callum points to a picture in the album. “This is dad before we found out he had lung cancer.”

The photo shows a large middle aged man with a big beer belly sitting on a chair. He’s smiling and so is the sweet chubby kid who’s standing next to him in the photo; his son, and now my fiancé.

“This is dad after the chemo-therapy began.”

Callum has turned the pages and I’m shocked when I look at the photo he’s indicating. His father looks like a completely different person in this picture. He’s lost all but a few wisps of hair. He’s got liver spots and skin blemishes all over his pale skin. He looks like a man who aged forty years rapidly and he also looks like a person who lost a lot of weight. Too much weight.

“I was the one who drove my dad to the hospital every time. Mum couldn’t bear it. Whenever she was with him though, she never left his side. Every time I’d sit with the two of them Mum would just beg and beg him not to leave her. The only conversations she had with him during that time was asking him not to die.”

“Oh, Cal.” I take my fiancé into my arms as a tear spills from his eye onto the page of the tattered photo album. “I’m so sorry, honey. I had no idea.”

“Nah, you couldn’t have known, silly. I never told you and I think I now realise why.”

I look up at him.

“Mum changed when dad died. I fully expected her to break down, but she picked herself up instead. She became a health-nut and started pushing me into getting fit. I was only young at the time. I was sad that I’d lost my dad, but I was happy to see my Mum keep it together. If my exercising was what kept her happy, then I was glad to do it.”

So that’s why he never argues when his mum tells him to do something involving fitness. He just wants to keep his mum happy. “She doesn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024