My Big Fat Fake Honeymoon - Lauren Landish Page 0,60

said they were amazing and asked if she could take the main arrangement back to her suite because she liked it so much,” Abigail whispers back, and I can hear the unfiltered delight. “What about you? Did they love the food?”

I balk in faux offense, even though she can’t see me. “Of course they did. Though I mostly felt fortunate to leave the luncheon with my clothing on. That bridal party was hungry, and I think they thought my chef’s jacket was simply a charade for a stripper.”

“No way,” Abigail says slowly, and I’m sure she’s going to say more, but then I just hear the poof of her breath releasing as she begins to fall asleep.

There’s more to say, but for now, I’ll let her rest. Tomorrow’s another day in paradise.

Chapter 11


“Rise and shine, mia rosa,” Lorenzo’s voice sings. He’s way too alert, and when I crack open one eye, he’s also way too dressed in a pair of gray athletic shorts and a white loose-fit tank top.

Fitness Lorenzo looks good.

Pleasantly surprised by how well-rested I feel, I stretch out my arms and legs with a happy moan. “What are you doing?”

“Wrong question. You should be asking what are we doing?” he corrects.

I sit upright, giving him a look of suspicion. “Okay, what are we doing, then?”

He sits down on the edge of the bed and holds out a steaming cup of coffee as a peace token for the wake-up call. I take it from him and note that it’s the perfect shade of creamy tan. One sip and I sigh in bliss. It’s got the exact amount of cream and sugar I like. It’s a small thing but ridiculously sweet that he’s noticed my habit of way-too-much cream.

Hearing my own ‘that’s what she said’ in my head, I cover the smile with another sip. Over the rim of the mug, I lift my brows to ask if he’s going to answer me.

He leans in close to tease me. “It’s a surprise. Get dressed. Workout wear, if you have any, or any shorts will do.”

Workout clothes? What in the world does he have up the nonexistent sleeves of his tank top?

A hike, maybe? Or a walk on the beach?

Hopefully not a jog because I will legit die. Running is not my favorite by a long shot. Basically, if you ever see me running, it’s because there’s a knife-wielding zombie chasing me.

But the suspense and surprise of it are thrilling. So is the gleam of ‘gotcha’ in Lorenzo’s dark eyes. Whatever he has planned, he’s excited too.

A tiny warning bell goes off in my head reminding me to be careful because his attention, his romantic ways, and his hot body are all my kryptonite. But Violet’s advice turns the alarm off.

Just chill. I can do that. I am so chill, like the frozen sangrias they serve on the resort beach.

I hop out of bed with energy to match Lorenzo’s now, all sleep burned away with eagerness. “Give me fifteen minutes.”


Before I make it one step past him, Lorenzo swats my ass hard, and I yelp in surprise as a jolt shoots to my core.

“Ten. We can’t be late.”

Oh, shit. I don’t know what we’re doing, but I’d be ready in five if that’s what he wanted.

I yank on pale lavender yoga shorts that hug my ass and have a handy-dandy pocket for my phone on the hip and a matching sports bra with a strappy back. I hold up my tennis shoes and my flip flops, unsure which to choose.

“Flip flops,” Lorenzo advises hesitatingly. If he thinks that’s some major clue, he is sorely mistaken because all that tells me is that I don’t have to run. Hallelujah!

In the elevator, I pull my phone out to text Janey but Lorenzo stops me.

“I talked to Janey this morning to make sure you had space in your schedule. I wouldn’t want to interfere with your work.” I stare at him in shock. I don’t know why I find his respect for my work such a surprise, but it is. It’s also a ridiculous turn-on given the way some of my previous dates have treated my passion for flowers and plants.

Oh, you have that nurturing gene. You’ll be a great mother one day.

That’s so cool. You don’t have to work. You get to just play with flowers.

Anybody can toss a bunch of flowers in a vase.

“She said to tell you, and I quote, ‘Fuck off, and that’s an order.’ ” He holds his Copyright 2016 - 2024