My Big Fat Fake Honeymoon - Lauren Landish Page 0,57


“Abs, you’re my best friend for a reason. He couldn’t do better than you. Also, that’s why Emily’s always been so jealous of you. She knows you’re better than her.” Violet sounds wise, but that’s ridiculous.

I’m just me—a weird, easily distracted daydreamer.

But I won’t argue with her, not when I can see that sleep is overtaking her the same way it’s finally taken Carly.

“Thanks, Vi. Get some sleep while Carly does. You need it.”

“You need a little something too,” she tells me with a sleepy smirk. “G’night.”

“Sleep tight,” I answer.

I set the phone down, returning a critical eye to the arrangement I’m working on. It’s taking shape and looking good, perfect for the bridal party luncheon.

Before I can even pick up a single rose, though, my phone goes apeshit, and I see that I’ve got a half-dozen texts coming in, one right after the other, from Courtney, who in no uncertain terms wonders what the hell I’m thinking, and am I certain that she and I are actually related?

“Damn you, Vi, I thought you’d keep it to yourself for at least a few minutes,” I whisper, tucking my phone away. I finish my arrangement and see that Janey’s already got the small supplement pieces ready for tomorrow.

I think we’re ready for the luncheon. The only question is . . . am I ready for a fling with Lorenzo?

Chapter 10


Morning arrives too early, but I eagerly reach over to snuggle Abigail. She is reason enough to greet the day with a smile on my face.

But the bed is empty beside me.

I sit up, looking around the room. “Abigail?” She’s nowhere to be found. Instantly, I’m up and pulling on underwear. I slept in the nude, keenly excited for her to argue with me about it again, but it seems she did not come to bed.

In the outer room of the suite, I see her. She’s laid out on the couch, passed out with one leg on the floor and one stretched out, her arms askew. Her hair is a tangled mess, half in her face, and her mouth is dropped open as she breathes softly. Beautiful.

I should move her to our bed so she can get some real rest. Padding across the floor, I bend down to scoop her into my arms when I see movement out of the corner of my eye.

Janey is waving her arms wildly and shaking her head. I quirk my head, silently asking what’s wrong. She mouths, “I’ve got her. Alarm goes off in one hour. Let her sleep.”

It goes against every instinct I have to leave her on the couch, but if she’s so exhausted she collapsed before even making it to bed, an additional hour of rest might very well be important. I nod, slowly stepping back but watching to make sure I haven’t disturbed Abigail’s slumber.

I feel eyes on my body and look back up to find Janey appraising me openly. She flashes me a thumbs-up and a grin. “Boss lady did well with you.”

The compliment is kind, but I feel awkward in my underwear in front of Janey, so I retreat to the bedroom after shooting Abigail one last look of longing. I would so love to carry her to bed, curl her into my side, and listen to her tell me about the flowers she touched last night. She finds them beautiful, but what I find even more stunning is her passion.

I shower and shave, quickly getting dressed in kitchen clothes. I have work to do this morning, a private bridal party luncheon. The same one Abigail and Janey were making centerpieces and arrangements for.

But I can’t leave without touching her. Slowly and quietly, I approach Abigail’s makeshift bed on the couch and bend down to ever so gently press my lips to the back of her hand. “I will see you later, mia rosa,” I whisper.

Janey smirks at me as I leave, wiggling two fingers at me in goodbye. I trust that she’ll take good care of Abigail today.

“Chef Toscani!”

The sharp bite of my name breaks into the zone of focus I have perfected through years of practice. The entire kitchen could be on fire, sous chefs battling it out with fists and knives, and I still wouldn’t break from my concentration.

But that annoying voice does it.

“Yes?” I snap, looking up to see Meredith stomping through the kitchen. She’s wearing another black power suit, and I wonder if she sleeps in them.

She probably lies in bed like a vampire, her Copyright 2016 - 2024