My Big Fat Fake Honeymoon - Lauren Landish Page 0,129

move with a sip of my own. “I’m from Positano originally but have cooked all over the world. I recently left Avanti and am currently researching for my next move.”

Morgan nods in understanding, as if I didn’t just pretty up telling him that I’m unemployed. “And your intentions with my daughter?”

I appreciate his directness, so I return it with some of my own.

I set my glass down on the table. “I know it has been a short time, but those days in Aruba were rather intensely deep, and since then, we’ve been sharing even more. I won’t say I know everything about Abigail, but I want to learn more every day. In fact, I wanted to ask you . . .”

I swallow, wishing I could pick my drink back up. But I can do this without the assistance of alcohol, even if my mouth is drier than cotton.

“I know Abigail told you about the pretend honeymoon we had, but what I would truly appreciate is a chance to earn your blessing to ask Abigail to marry me in truth.” I exhale in relief at even getting the words out.

I’m not weak, not one to bow under the weight of daring risks, but Abigail is the most important dream I’ve ever had.

Morgan eyes me critically. “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think? Considering you and Abi have already told that little lie and forced my hand into confirming it?” His voice is even and steady, almost flat.

I expect he is waiting for an apology. None is forthcoming, from me or Abigail, I suspect. “I supported Abigail with what she needed at the time to deal with Emily and would do it again, because however unintended, it brought us together, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. Also, if I may be so bold as to point out, you blindly supported Abigail with the same lie when backed into a corner.”

He hums thoughtfully. “So, your wish is to actually marry Abi and you’re asking for my permission?”

“Blessing,” I correct.

“Semantics,” he replies with a small smile. “Abi would kill you where you sit if she heard even a whisper of this conversation. You know that, right?”

The knife of his words stabs me directly in the heart. “You don’t think she would want to marry me?”

There’s a moment of silence where I barely manage to restrain myself from stomping out of here, grabbing Abigail, sitting her on the back of my bike, and riding off into the sunset with her. Fuck this pretense and politeness. I don’t need it. I only need her.

But she needs her family.

They’re close, and I won’t take that from her.

But there’s a fresh tic in the muscle beneath my left eye.

That’s when all three men burst out laughing. Kaede even points a finger at me, asking Morgan, “God, did I look that terrified and furious all at the same time when we talked about Courtney?”

My confusion must be obvious because Morgan takes pity on me.

“Look, Lorenzo. We’re going to pretend—see what I did there?” Kaede and Ross groan, and Morgan throws his hands out. “What? Too soon?” But I can see the hint of evil in his smile letting me know that he’s giving all three of us shit.

“We’re going to pretend you never asked for my permission or blessing because Abi would kill us both. She does what she wants, always has and always will. As long as you know that—truly respect that about her down to your soul—you’ll be fine. She has guts, is stubborn, and was fearless to step out on her own from minute one. While I’m glad that Courtney’s here to take the reins of Andrews Consolidated when I step down and I’m proud of what Ross and Kaede are building, Abi is a different breed altogether. I worried that she would settle for someone who wanted her small. I’m glad to see that’s not the case.”

“Not at all, sir. I like her—love her—exactly as she is,” I assure him.

He smiles, and I can sense that some of that weight on his shoulders has lessened. Abigail told me that family is everything to her parents, so I can imagine Morgan’s joy at his children finding love the way he did.

“Hell, to be honest with you, I’m surprised Abi hasn’t dragged you off to a courthouse to get married already. Kimberly and I figured tonight was going to be Abi’s big reveal that it’s all really real now.” He drops his voice to Copyright 2016 - 2024