To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,38

making you come tonight. Oh yeah, and this time, I’ll be prepared with a pack of condoms, ribbed for your pleasure. Yeah, right, no way I could say any of that.

I put my phone down on the couch next to me and leaned back. Another sip of Gatorade, another string of muttered curse words. Who the fuck was I kidding? I needed something stiff to drink. A generous pour of my best whiskey should do the trick. I got up and walked over to the minibar in the corner of the room. What was Jane doing now? Was she thinking of me? Was she as horny as I was? Had she rushed home to masturbate? Was she picturing me as she played with herself? I bet she couldn’t make herself as wet as I’d made her. I reached for my tumbler, blue balls back in full force, and poured a large shot into a Wedgewood crystal tumbler my mother had given me. Glass in hand, I made my way back to the couch, where I sat down and contemplated my phone screen. I shouldn’t call her. But what if she didn’t make it home? I really should check up and see that she was okay. Maybe the meathead had tried to flirt with her again. A moment later, my fingers were scrolling through the phone and I was calling her. The phone rang and rang and then went to voicemail. Frustrated, I put the phone down and then took another sip of my whiskey. Was she ignoring me? Maybe she was in the shower.

I closed my eyes and thought about her sitting on my lap. I felt her supple breasts in my hands and groaned. I grabbed the phone and called her again.

This time she answered on the first ring. “What do you want, Tate?”

“Well, nice to hear that you’re alive and not dead.”

“What are you talking about?” She sounded irritated.

“You left the gym without saying goodbye.”

“Sorry. Goodbye.”

“Wait! Look, I’m sorry about the steam room. I got a bit carried away.”

“A bit? You were practically … inside of me.’’ I could almost hear her blushing.

“Practically inside of you?” I placed my glass down on my coffee table and leaned back on the couch. I reached my hand into my shorts and closed my eyes as I continued talking to her. “I was inside of you. I can still taste you on my fingers.”

“Tate! You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Oh, you meant my cock was practically inside of you?” I chuckled as my hand gripped my cock and moved up and down. “I can assure you that it was nowhere close to being inside of you.”

“I felt it,” she said softly. “It was close.”

“You felt it where?”

“I felt it next to me … skin to skin.’’ She made a sound akin to a whimper and my cock hardened in my hand.

“Did you like it?” I whispered, my fingers sliding up and down faster now, imagining it was her fingers.


“Liar,” I grunted. “I bet you wanted me to flip you on your back and slide my long, hard dick inside of you.”

“No, no, I didn’t.” She sounded out of breath now.

“What are you doing, Jane?” I wondered if she was masturbating to the sound of my voice like I was doing to hers.

“Nothing,” she said a little too quickly.

“Where are you?”

“At home.”

“At home where?”

“In my bedroom.”

“I see.” I paused. “Is your door closed?”

“Of course it’s closed. Why?”

“No reason.” My fingers moved even faster now. “Is your pussy wet right now?”

“What?” she squeaked.

“I said, is your pussy—”

“I heard what you said.”

“My cock is rock hard,” I groaned. “You left me in a bad position, Jane.”

“Well, I’m about to leave you in a bad position again, Tate Howard.”

“Are you mad at me?” My hand stopped moving.

“No.” Her voice had gotten quiet. “I’m not mad at you.” She sighed. “It was fun. I just didn’t want us to get carried away, so I left.”

“I wanted us to get very carried away.”

“I know. You’re … different to the other guys I know, Tate.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“I don’t know.” She sighed again and the sound made my stomach flip.

“You have the sexiest voice.”

“Thank you, I guess.”

“A voice like yours is made for phone sex.”

“Tate …”

“What? I’m just being honest.”

“What do you expect me to say to that, Tate?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you want me to tell you how I’d take ahold of your large cock in my mouth and blow you like you’ve never been blown Copyright 2016 - 2024