Into My Arms - Lia Riley Page 0,22

in my neck, and always maintaining the hard, relentless strokes.

He licks my ear. “This good?”

I nod. “Yes. So good.”

He does a slow circling thing with his hips. “And that?”

I squeak and giggle. Oh God. He laughs against me in a rough rumble. “Yeah, that’s good too.” Clinging to his broad shoulders, I close my teeth on his own nipple, reveling in the sharp hiss. “There is no way you can move inside me that won’t be amazing.”

And I’m not lying. It’s as if his body was designed for mine, the distance closed until there is nothing, absolutely nothing between us. It’s more than I can bear and yet I’m not sure this craving will ever be satiated. He braces himself, staring down, gaze glued to me as he thrusts again and again; each time his breath hitches as if that’s the best one, no, that’s the best, no, this is definitely the best one. He’s not gentle, no, he’s driving to the center of me, but I feel like we are breaking wordlessly through all the bullshit and getting closer to the elusive truths just as I’d hoped.

There are many ways to have a conversation and in this one Z tells me all I need to know. That for him, there is a pleasure in dominating, in taking power, and for once I understand because I am complicit here. I want to give him my control because I know in doing so, in giving him this gift, he will accept my offering and with gratitude make it that much better.

And my trust is repaid in dividends.

My thighs tremble and he hikes one high up on his hips, bracing his hand behind my head and getting me at just the right angle. The coarse, thick hairs from the base of his cock tickle over my clit and the grinding pressure is unreal.

For a moment, I have a passing coherent moment of gratitude that the house is deserted because I can’t be quiet, not now, not when Z is balls deep and ravaging me with an expression of all-consuming desire. A long hot shudder racks his body.

“Shit, I can’t…I’m going…”

“It’s okay,” I gasp. “I want you to.”

He pumps harder and then without notice I’m there, too, as if his pleasure is tied to mine, inexorably linked. He slams to the hilt with a final groaning crescendo and my pussy clenches around him, milking out the last bit of sensation as he is slammed again, coming with another burst, while burying his face into my hair, murmuring things I can’t understand, but from the tone sound like the sweetest endearments.

When he moves away at last, and that incredible feeling of fullness disappears, I don’t even feel sad, because my heart now has the same sensation.

Chapter Eight


I turn my face to the shower spray and close my eyes, letting the hot water scald my face. What. The. Fuck. Happened?

The temperature is set at the extreme, almost more than I can stand, but it’s not enough to remove the sensation of her skin on mine. I didn’t merely touch Bethanny. I made love to her as if the last seven years never happened. Every inhibition knocked down like a house of cards.

Bracing my hands against the marble wall, I splay my fingers across the smooth stone, a far cry from the softly yielding flesh from last night. This is spiraling out of control. Too fast. Too furious. I had hoped for something…what, I wasn’t sure. A miracle. Perhaps a kiss.

No. No point fucking lying.

I brought her here hoping beyond hope exactly what just happened would occur.

But now what?

“Now nothing,” I mutter. My life might have just been shaken from a 9.0 earthquake but it’s time to rebuild. Get back in control. Because once I return from Moscow, life must return to the way it was.

This weekend will become a bright light, an incandescent memory in my long night.

No point squandering time on hope. None of that exists for the likes of me.

Chapter Nine


I jerk awake. The sudden movement sends black dots cascading past my eyes. The time isn’t yet dawn and the bed is empty. Somewhere close comes the sound of water splashing tile. Z must be showering in the master bathroom. Reaching to the nightstand, I grapple for the lamp switch and illuminate the room. Holy shit, the bedding is destroyed, pillows and sheets scattered everywhere. After sex, I fell into a hard dreamless sleep, with no discussion of what passed between us. My Copyright 2016 - 2024