My Almost Ex (The Greene Family #2) - Piper Rayne Page 0,85

on the thigh.

“What the hell?” I ask.

“Can you two really not keep your hands off one another?” Chevelle says across the table.

“What do you care what they’re doing?” Cam chimes in—because he does every time Chevelle speaks.

Jed hands Molly a stack of empty glasses then comes over. “Holy shit, you’re never going to believe who just walked in.”

“Oh God, do I even want to know?” Clara asks. “Someone from high school?”

“No.” Jed glances back at the door.

I follow his vision to a big guy walking toward the bar.

“Nikki, we pay Molly to work. You realize that, right?” Cade says, not paying attention to Jed. He’s gonna miss this moment.

“Nikki!” Marla waves. “We need to talk.”

“Logan Stone,” Jed says.

“Who’s Logan Stone?” Posey asks.

“The MMA fighter?” Xavier says, glancing around now.

“No shit!” Cam turns to see him. “Why would he be in Sunrise Bay?”

Chevelle turns and finds Logan Stone in the crowd too. “Oh, he’s a hottie.”

That earns her a glare from Cam.

“You know what, Cade, just leave me be. She’s still working, and I need her advice. That’s what bartenders do, right?” Nikki snips at Cade.

“Hey, Nik,” Molly says, her eyes growing wide when she sees Logan.

Nikki puts up her hand at her friend.

“You just had a girls’ weekend. Why do you need to talk to her so bad?” Cade asks. “Not everything is urgent.”

“Nik,” Molly says again.

Logan Stone is right behind her now.

Jed can’t lift his mouth off the floor and Xavier and Cam are ogling the man. I hit Lucy on the thigh again. She glances behind her, rolling her eyes at my excitement about what’s about to go down.

“Nik,” Molly says louder this time.

“What?” Nikki asks, and Molly points behind her.

Nikki slowly turns around and stares at the man behind her. I’ve never seen my sister look so panicked.

Jed finally lifts his jaw off the floor. “Hey, man, can I help you with something?”

Logan shakes his head, his eyes never leaving Nikki.

“Who is this guy?” Mandi asks Nikki.

“I’m her husband,” Logan says and the entire restaurant quiets.


What did happen to that necklace?

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How exactly did Nikki end up marrying a famous MMA Fighter?

Find out in her book, My Vegas Groom!

CLICK HERE to grab your copy!


BOOK ONE, Lessons from a One-Night Stand (CLICK HERE) in our much loved BIG FAMILY ROM COM series, The Baileys, is FREE on all retailers!

Series is complete and ready to BINGE!

Cockamamie Unicorn Ramblings

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AMNESIA! That was our excitement level when we were plotting out The Greene Family Series and decided we were going to conquer a trope we’ve been dying to write. We’re both lovers of the amnesia trope but haven’t been able to find a book to make it work. Then came Adam and Lucy and voila, amnesia! To say we’ve been excited to write this for a while is an understatement.

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So, what changed from the plotting to page? Well, not a whole lot. Surprise, right? For us too. We did take some fictional liberties when it came to Lucy’s amnesia for romance reasons and we’re okay with that. When we came up with the storyline that she couldn’t have children being the reason she left, we had to do heavy research since it came as a surprise to her. Plus, we loved that we could bring in Stella from The Baileys series. LOL This time, our plotting worked out well but we’re probably in a deficit if you added up all our books.

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We hope you enjoyed Adam and Lucy’s story. Infertility is a tough subject to handle in fiction. As some of you may know, Rayne went through it herself for years before she was blessed with twins. It’s one of the darkest times of her life. The tests, the shots, the disappointment. Even when you finally hear the wonderful words, “you’re pregnant”, every milestone up to the delivery of a healthy baby or babies, you’re waiting for that pin to drop, for something to go wrong. But on the flip side, the science of infertility treatments gives so many couples the opportunity to be parents, so there’s the happiness too. Okay, enough on that subject, we write romcoms, right? LOL

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We’d be nowhere without the great people below!

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Danielle Sanchez and the entire Wildfire Marketing Solutions team.

Cassie from Joy Editing for line edits.

Ellie from My Brother’s Editor for line edits.

Shawna from Behind the Writer for proofreading.

Hang Le for the cover and branding for the entire series.

Wander Aguiar for his awesome job of photographing our Adam and Lucy.

Bloggers who consistently carve out time to read, review and/or promote us.

Piper Rayne Unicorns who love our characters like we do!

Readers who took the time to read our story when there’s so many choices out there. We are forever grateful! <3

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As you read, Nikki’s up next! Married to an MMA fighter? Yummy! The Sunrise Bay queen of gossip is going to find herself on the other side now. So many questions to be answered!

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Piper & Rayne

About the Author

Piper Rayne is a USA Today Bestselling Author duo who write “heartwarming humor with a side of sizzle” about families, whether that be blood or found. They both have e-readers full of one-clickable books, they're married to husbands who drive them to drink, and they're both chauffeurs to their kids. Most of all, they love hot heroes and quirky heroines who make them laugh, and they hope you do, too!

Also by Piper Rayne

The Greenes

My Beautiful Neighbor

My Almost Ex

My Vegas Groom

The Greene Family Summer Bash

My Sister’s Flirty Friend

My Unexpected Surprise

My Famous Frenemy

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The Baileys

Lessons from a One-Night Stand

Advice from a Jilted Bride

Birth of a Baby Daddy

Operation Bailey Wedding (Novella)

Falling for My Brother’s Best Friend

Demise of a Self-Centered Playboy

Confessions of a Naughty Nanny

Operation Bailey Babies (Novella)

Secrets of the World’s Worst Matchmaker

Winning My Best Friend’s Girl

Rules for Dating your Ex

Operation Bailey Birthday (Novella)

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The Modern Love World

Charmed by the Bartender

Hooked by the Boxer

Mad about the Banker

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The Single Dad’s Club

Real Deal

Dirty Talker

Sexy Beast

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Hollywood Hearts

Mister Mom

Animal Attraction

Domestic Bliss

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Bedroom Games

Cold as Ice

On Thin Ice

Break the Ice

Box Set

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Charity Case

Manic Monday

Afternoon Delight

Happy Hour

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Blue Collar Brothers

Flirting with Fire

Crushing on the Cop

Engaged to the EMT

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White Collar Brothers

Sexy Filthy Boss

Dirty Flirty Enemy

Wild Steamy Hook-up

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The Rooftop Crew

My Bestie’s Ex

A Royal Mistake

The Rival Roomies

Our Star-Crossed Kiss

The Do-Over

A Co-Workers Crush

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Hockey Hotties

My Lucky #13

The Trouble with #9

Faking it with #41 Copyright 2016 - 2024