My Almost Ex (The Greene Family #2) - Piper Rayne Page 0,61

she doesn’t want to hear from me. I have to think she’s acting the same way she did then. Her indifference to what’s going on makes me angry.

“I’m seeing Adam again.”

Dead silence.


“I’m here,” she says.

I blow out a breath and look at the trees and the mountains, wishing for some peace. “We’ve decided that we’re going to move forward even though my memory hasn’t returned.”


“Mom, please say something else.” I roll my eyes because she’s acting like a child.

It takes her a minute to speak. “And what happens when your memory does come back and you realize why you left him? What are you going to do? Run away again?”

“No.” I shake my head although she can’t see me. “I’m going to stay here. Whatever the reason was, it doesn’t matter anymore. We’ve agreed to be truthful with one another. Whatever it is, we’ll work through it.”

“How do you know the reason won’t still be an issue for you?”

I open my mouth and stop for a second. “You sound like you know what the reason is.”

She guffaws. “How would I know, Luce? You told me nothing. I’m just saying it could still come back and be an issue for you both. You’re both playing with your hearts if you think this is some love story gone wrong. You act like you’re naive as to how hard it is to love someone, like Cupid came and shot arrows in you, like nothing bad can happen.” Her voice grows louder.

“We love one another, yes. But we’re not naive. We know how hard we’ll have to work on this.”

“Jesus, Lucy,” she says.

There’s a long beat of deafening silence. I wait it out, denying the part of me that wants to fill it with something. But at this point, my words would only be mean-spirited and I want things to be different this time around.

“Fine. Good luck then. I hope it works out.”

“Doesn’t sound like you actually feel that way.”

“What do you want me to say? This is why I didn’t want you in that town. They swallow you up and before you know it, you’re drinking the Greene family Kool-Aid!” she yells.

A bunch of birds fly out of a tree near me. I wish I could fly away with them.

“They love me. Which brings up another question. Did I leave a necklace there?” I touch my bare neck. I still haven’t found that necklace, but I’m sure it has to be somewhere.

“A necklace? No.”

“And not my journal either?” There’s no way I would’ve destroyed them. I know that deep down to my bones. I could’ve never done that to Adam. Destroy something of his mother’s.

“No, Lucy, you kept that part of your life hidden from us. I guess we were okay for you to run to when it all went bad, but now you’re going to pretend you don’t have a family again.”

The phone creaks as I clench it. “You’re the one doing it to me. You’re the one who didn’t come to my wedding.”

“I don’t agree with you marrying into that family. There was a reason you came home, Lucy. I want you to think about that. You’re turning a blind eye to why you walked out on your marriage, but you must’ve felt you couldn’t be there anymore. Someone must’ve said or done something.”

“Mom,” I sigh. “What don’t you understand? The Greenes are good people. Ignore all the bullshit from the feud between the two sides of the family. What have they ever done to make you hate them so much?”

I’m met with another bout of silence. I roll my eyes. “I—”

“Lucy,” my dad comes on the phone. “You know your mom’s feelings on this issue. Nothing is going to change.”

“Well, maybe it should. Maybe you should get to know people before you judge them off of someone else’s experience with them.”

“Don’t sass me,” my dad warns. “Your mom has slaved over you for the last three months and what have you done? You turn your back to go to those people after she almost lost her job caring for you.”

I swallow down the guilt that anyone had to sacrifice anything because of my accident. “I’m sorry for that, but I love Adam. He’s my husband and that’s that.”

“And here we go again. It’s like déjà vu,” my mom comes back on the line.

“Then I guess we’ll just go back to not being in each other’s lives.”

I click End and cock my arm back to throw my phone deep into the Copyright 2016 - 2024