My Almost Ex (The Greene Family #2) - Piper Rayne Page 0,16

and she narrowed her eyes.

“Adam, you really need to improve your social circle.” Cora slid her tray away, but we all knew that Toby would try to snag another just to piss her off before he left.

“What are we gonna be?” Adam asked me, straddling the bench so he was as close to me as he could be without getting in trouble. His hand absentmindedly ran along my lower back.

“I already told you, you’re Doody,” Cora said, laughing again.

“What is she talking about, Luce?” Adam took a chicken nugget from my plate and swallowed it in one bite.

“Well, I figured we could go as characters from Grease.” I shrugged.

“Isn’t that a movie? I thought the theme was Broadway?” Toby asked.

“And to think people say you’re a dumb jock.” Cora rolled her eyes. “It was a Broadway play first.”

“Thank you for the useless tidbit of information.” Toby narrowed his eyes.

“Well, you should expand your knowledge to other things besides a pigskin ball that flies through the air.”

Adam snaked his hand around my waist and tugged me closer. I loved that he wasn’t embarrassed to show people how much he loved me. Everyone in town thought we were young and blinded by hormones, but what I felt for Adam wasn’t puppy love.

“What is she talking about?” he whispered and sneaked in another kiss right below my ear.

“If you don’t stop, we’re going to get detention for being handsy.”

He laughed. “They’re not going to chance the game.”

Sadly, he wasn’t wrong. “I want to be Frenchy.”


“You’re going to drop out and go to beauty school?” Toby asked.

“Whoa, look whose light bulb just turned on!” Cora gave him a saccharine smile.

“Tell me, Shefield, what’s a bootleg play?”

“Right after you tell me the chemical formula for glucose?”

“Forget them, who is Frenchy?” Adam asked.

I slid my tray over to him because he would eat the majority of my lunch anyway. “She’s a character from Grease.”

“I thought Sandy was from Grease?”

I was surprised that he’d been paying attention when I made him watch the movie with Chevelle and me a few months earlier. I’d thought he was just trying to feel me up under the blanket the whole time. I guess he could multitask. “She’s the main character.”

He ate the rest of my chicken nuggets as though he hadn’t devoured his entire lunch minutes earlier.

“Frenchy is the one who dyes…” I nodded and he shook his head. “Luce, we’re Danny and Sandy, not Frenchy and whoever.”

“Doody, and Doody is still a T-bird.”

“But he’s not the T-bird. Plus, if you’re Sandy, you can wear black leather pants.” His eyebrows waggled up and down.

I rolled my eyes. “But then I can’t dye my hair.”

Adam understood how badly I’d wanted to dye my hair since a few other girls in our school had done it. But it meant I had to bleach the color out of my hair first, so my mom was against it.

“I’ll admit I like that it will piss your mom off,” he said, which I understood.

Mom hated that I was dating Adam and tried to convince me daily how we were just young love and nothing would come of it. But I knew different.

“So can we?” I asked.

He blew out a breath and glanced at Toby across the table, who had somehow gotten his hands on Cora’s tray.

“You might as well put a ‘kick me’ sign on your back,” Toby remarked.

I put my palm in the air to shut him up. Adam glanced from Toby to me. I bit my lip and gave him my best “come on” look.

He sighed. “Fine.”

I threw my arms around his neck and cast kisses all along his face. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

“You owe me,” he whispered.

“Miss Davis. Mr. Greene. Please separate.” Mr. Turner stood at the end of our table.

We moved apart and apologized.

The lunch bell went off and Adam picked up my tray as Toby took Cora’s. I had science with Toby and Adam had math.

Adam glanced both ways down the hall at our lockers. “See you later, French.”

He kissed me right on the lips, then slid his tongue inside my mouth. Afterward, he winked and took off down the hall, swallowed up by the class who loved their star football player.

I held my books to my chest and sighed. He was mine.

“You really have him by the balls,” Toby said next to me.

I pushed off the locker and walked with him to science. “It’s called love. You should find it.”

He cackled so loudly, everyone looked at us. Copyright 2016 - 2024