Mustang A Rough Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,61

took the last of the x-rays, I was surprised when he jumped off the table by himself without whining. He nuzzled against my leg then walked toward the door, as if wanting to see Mustang.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I allowed him out.

Within a few minutes, I was clearly able to see there were no fractures. I made a promise that I’d never put my baby in that position again. Ever. Or anyone else for that matter.

I shut down the machine and made certain everything in the room was in order.

In other words, I was stalling.

Finally finding the courage, I moved into the main room, knowing exactly where I’d find both Mustang as well as my dog. I leaned against the doorway, folding my arms. Mustang had opened the cage and Rattler was happily enjoying some loving strokes while Zorro rested his head on Mustang’s knee.

“No IV,” he said with no inflection.

“I removed it earlier because Rattler is doing so well. Seems like one perfect family.” As soon as I said the words, I bit back a moan. They hadn’t come out as I’d intended.

He didn’t bother looking me in the eyes, his gaze firmly locked on the two dogs. “Is it safe to take Rattler to the house?”

“I think so. As long as they both remain calm, a warm fire will do them some good. Zorro is fine, no broken bones. He’ll be sore for a couple days.”

He helped Rattler stand, moving out of the room, both dogs following him, stopping short of the entrance. “I assume the front door is unlocked to your house. I am staying the night whether or not you like it.” When he peered over his shoulder, he lifted a single eyebrow as if daring me to challenge him.

“I’m coming right behind you. Yes, the door is unlocked.”

Mustang took a deep whiff, his gaze slowly drifting to my feet then back to my eyes.

God, the man was formidable. They way he’d taken on the assholes was astounding, maybe even reckless, but he’d become my hero.

By the time I walked in, the two dogs had settled on the couch in front of the fire, although there were barely little more than embers at this point. He grabbed several logs from the hearth, stoking the fire.




When he walked away, I was floored, words stuck in my throat. Then I realized what he was doing, checking every lock on the windows and doors. I stood where I was, feeling smaller than I ever had in my life. Just hearing his heavy boots as he stormed through the house was enough of a reminder that I’d almost gotten myself killed.

“Are you hurt?” he asked as soon as he walked back into the room.

“No. Thank you for coming to my rescue.” Were my words even audible? The thanks sounded so damn weak. I finally realized he was staring at me and the second I dared to look into his eyes, I was thrown once again.

I’d had men look at me in hunger a few times in my life. I’d certainly had my share of assholes glaring at me out of rage given my assertive personality. But when he lifted his head, the look he gave me was indescribable. Yet I could feel the vibes he emitted, the rawness of his emotions as the electricity surged through both of us once again, searing every nerve ending.


Unbridled desire.

Utter domination.

He wasn’t just undressing me with his eyes. He was peeling away every layer of my life, all the concerns and fears, joys and sorrows. They were suddenly unraveling, fading away into my past.

As Mustang moved to a standing position, taking careful steps in my direction, I held my breath. I’d never felt so intensely alive, every emotion over-sensitized. He was so damn powerful, every action he took careful and measured. I was floored that my mouth was suddenly dry, my heart skipping several beats. There wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t on fire, my nipples aching as they scraped against my sweater. And there was no doubt wetness pooled between my legs. I was lost to the man, my own hunger off the rails.

The second he closed the distance until we were only inches apart, my entire body began to quiver. He lowered his head, allowing his hot breath to cascade over my face and neck. Goosebumps popped all over my arms, the chill I’d felt earlier completely eradicated. Lifting my hand, I placed my fingers on his chest, almost Copyright 2016 - 2024