Mustang A Rough Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,53

cattle. What they are really doing is showing the same animals to different people, taking the investors’ money then never planning on making good on the promises. I have a feeling that’s what this holding company is doing, although there is no proof from what I was able to find.”

I thought about what she was saying. “They would need a veterinarian to sign off the cattle were up to grade.”

“Exactly. If I’m right, this is big business, which means they certainly wouldn’t take kindly to being exposed.”

“I understand. Why would any decent rancher go in on something like this,” I mused, my thoughts drifting to the injured steer as well as the warning I’d received earlier. Maybe the rancher who’d called me had regrets, trying to push me away from the operation.

Sandra shrugged. “Maybe it appears on the book as being entirely on the up and up, one of them holding all the cards. Maybe the front person makes investments or hides a portion of the money in foreign bank accounts.”

“That’s quite a scheme and would require a hell of a lot of work.”

“I know, but it has happened. The articles I gave you prove that. Plus, if three of them live out of state, they wouldn’t be checking the livestock on a day to day basis.”

She appeared even more nervous, her eyes shifting toward the envelope several times.

Sighing, I swirled my finger across the rim of the cup, uncertain what I could do with the information. “There has to be another reason you asked me to meet you. Does this have something to do with Holt Wills?”

She chuckled under her breath. “You know me too well. Remember I mentioned he was dangerous?”

“Yeah, with no explanation as to why.”

“You wouldn’t remember any of this, at least I don’t think. By the time we were in high school, they’d already enlisted in the military.”

“They. Who are they?”

“The bad boys of Montana,” she said, chortling. “Six boys who created a ruckus in Missoula, including stealing a couple of my dad’s horses. I know at least a couple of them spent several nights behind bars. My father didn’t press charges, but I’ll never forget overhearing him talking about how the group of them would end up in prison. A couple years passed then they enlisted together, which shocked the hell out of a lot of people.”

“That doesn’t make any of them dangerous today, Sandra. That was years ago. Why tell me this now?”

“Yeah, I know, but it’s hard for a leopard to change his spots. It’s important you stay away from certain people. It would seem that some of the bad boy runs in the family. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“If you have something on Mustang, you need to let me know. He can be a pain in the ass, but he’s also very endearing under the rough and tumble exterior.” I realized the heat was creeping up on my face. Even my pussy ached just thinking about him.

“Wait a minute. You’ve seen him again. Haven’t you?”

I gave her a look, unable to keep a smile from crossing my face. “He and I have spoken.”

She shook her head. “And you like him a lot. A hell of a lot. You can’t lie to me.”

“I… enjoy his company, which is why you need to tell me if you know something else about him.”

Wrinkling her nose, she nodded toward the envelope. “Not directly, but he is working at Big Meadow. Rumor has it that he’s going to become a part owner.”

“He already told me that. What the hell is wrong with Big Meadow Ranch? From what I’ve seen, the place is beautiful, sprawling across several thousand acres.”

“You’ve been there. Wow, you move fast.”

“Sandra, I appreciate you getting me information on this holding company, but I’m going to walk away from trying to find out any additional information. You’re right in that it’s the responsibility of the sheriff’s office to look into any wrongdoings.” Now I was itching to see what was inside the envelope. There was no doubt she was hiding something significant from me.

“Have you heard the name Randy Harding?”

“No. Should I?”

“RH Holdings?”

“Okay. That means what?”

“Maybe nothing any longer, but I find it coincidental that you ran into Mustang at that auction. And the thing about coincidences is that there’s usually a hidden meaning behind them. Unfortunately, I need to get back to the shop.” As Sandra stood to leave, her eyes continued to show concern. “Just remember that things aren’t Copyright 2016 - 2024