Mustang A Rough Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,51


When I noticed the screen, I immediately bristled, my heart racing. Unknown. The last thing I needed was another round of shit from the asshole determined to drag me into the middle of something. And the bastard didn’t have the balls to identify himself. Fuck him.

“Look, asshole. I’m getting tired of this. You will not threaten me ever again. Do you get it? I will hunt you down and destroy your world if necessary. Don’t tempt me.” My words were laced with the kind of rage I’d felt the second Mustang noticed the slashed tires. Maybe I was a fool for not calling the sheriff.

The silence on the other end did nothing but fuel the fire.

“Fuck you. I’m hanging up and don’t you dare call me again.”

“You’re in danger, Dr. Brexton.”

The deep baritone wasn’t disguised, other than the tremor in the man’s voice. Whoever this caller was seemed to be a different person altogether. Unless the asshole was fucking with me.

“Oh, yeah? How so?”

“You have to stop looking. You won’t like what you find.”

The tone sounded vaguely familiar. I shifted to the night in the barn, the haggard rancher mainly hiding in the shadows while I tended to the steer. “Wait. You’re the man from the barn that night. Aren’t you?”

There was another hesitation.

I moved toward the window in the clinic, peering through the blinds. A sickening feeling pooled into the pit of my stomach. “Aren’t you?”

“You just need to stop. They will hurt you. You need to trust me.”

“Then tell me who you are. I need to know what I’m dealing with.”

“Just stay away. It’ll blow over.”

Blow over? Was the asshole kidding?

As I expected, the call was ended. I didn’t bother attempting to reconnect it. I knew better than to think the guy’s warning would go any further. I stared at the screen for several seconds, contemplating contacting Mustang. What good would that do me? Huffing, I closed my eyes until the phone rang again.

This time, I jumped.

“What?” I barked without looking.

“Wow. Is that how you answer your phone with all your friends?” Sandra asked, half laughing.

“Shit. I’m sorry. It’s been a difficult morning. What’s up?” I continued to scan the area in front of the clinic, half expecting to see men in trucks pulling up. My mind swirled with nasty thoughts.

“I have something for you. Can you meet me at the coffee shop on the corner of Second Street in town? I’d come to you, but I can’t take too much time away from my store. I have a new employee and she gets rattled easily.”

My bestie owned a bakery and coffee shop of her own. Why have me meet her at another location? She had my curiosity piqued. I glanced at the truck and grimaced. One quick trip into town wasn’t really going to hurt anything.

“I’ll be there in thirty minutes,” I answered.

“Good. See you then.”

Why did it sound like her voice held an unusual quiver? After checking my watch, I realized that I had a couple of hours to spare before Mustang would appear on my doorstep, or so I was guessing. Why the hell not? After the call, I remained fired up, my determination still present.

After locking up, I moved toward the cottage, grabbing my second set of keys. Hesitating, I moved toward the bedroom and to my closet, moving to the top shelf. As I lowered one of the boxes, I wasn’t certain if this was a good idea or not. However, when the gun was firmly planted in my hand, I knew I was right. I yanked a round of ammunition from a second box then grabbed my purse, shoving both inside as I walked into the living room, smiling at Zorro before grabbing my coat. “Be good, boy. I’ll be back shortly.” When I walked outside, the same ominous feeling crept into my system, the same one I’d had the night walking Zorro.

Thank God I’d had the forethought to keep my vehicle of choice locked away. I’d purchased the old truck for use with my business, but the only thing of any value I’d kept from my previous life was my beloved Charger. I’d skimped every penny I’d been able to save in order to make the purchase, inheritance providing the rest. Maybe I should have sold the car off before moving here, but she was my baby.

I got behind the wheel, contemplating what I was about to do. Maybe I should just sit tight and wait to see if Mustang found Copyright 2016 - 2024