Mustang A Rough Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,42

and out methodically, kneading my skin as if it would make the damn experience any better.

But within seconds, I realized I was wrong. The pain shifted, morphing into something magical, a burst of sensations crisscrossing over and through my body. I was shocked at the sheer euphoria, leaving me aching all over and in an entirely delicious manner. I threw back my head, stroking his legs as I began to rock him, moving up and down even as he continued to hold me. Everything shifted into a beautiful blur as he fucked me, driving into my tight hole with utter savagery.

“So good. So freaking good.”

I adored his husky whispers, the feel of his hot breath against my back. I was powerless to his hold on me, both physically and mentally, becoming lost in the moment. Moans continuously slipped past my lips as I bucked like a crazed beast, arching my back and struggling to remember anything other than what was occurring. The deliciousness of being thrown into such pleasure was a beautiful reminder that life was spectacular.

And that this cowboy had managed to touch every nerve, every emotion deep within me.

“Ride me, baby. Ride me hard.”

I laughed hearing his words, clamping down my muscles as I bobbed up and down on the bed. There was no doubt he was once again close to coming, his breathing ragged, his fingers digging into me roughly. When I squeezed again, I could only smile.

“Jesus. You are… Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” The roar ripping from him, coming up from the depths of his being was sweeter than any orchestra. As he spilled his seed deep into me, I realized that this man wasn’t just trouble.

He’d already rocked my world.

But I remained terrified to fall for him. I couldn’t break my resolve. Not now. Not ever.

What the hell was I supposed to do?


There was something so mesmerizing about the giant orb, especially as it drifted in through the window blinds, highlighting the big man sleeping next to me. To say I was shocked that he’d actually gotten under the covers, cradling me next to him was an understatement. He didn’t seem like the romantic type on any level.

Not that we’d had much pillow talk.

He’d simply held me close, rubbing his fingers up and down my arm, even inviting Zorro up onto the bed after a few minutes. While I didn’t want to envision or even think about how natural it felt to have him in my bed, with my beautiful pup already adoring him, it was difficult not to allow the thoughts to enter my mind.

Mustang was larger than life, his persona as big as his rough and tumble talk. He was a take no shit kind of man, yet there was a gentle side to him. However, I was clearly able to see just how haunted he was inside, even his expression relaying some kind of intense darkness gripping him. The heat of his body warmed mine, the slight rise and fall of his chest as he slept peacefully comforting.

I rubbed my fingers in an aimless pattern as I gazed up at the window overlooking the scraggly back yard. A smile remained on my face from the intensity of the incredible sex as well as the way Zorro was lying across both our legs. The way Zorro had taken to him left me tingling all over.

But I dared not say that to Mustang.

I almost laughed at the thought. The beefy cowboy would most likely use that against me. While I was exhausted, my body remained wired as I listened to the muffled but regular sounds of the injured pup on the monitor. While I’d turned off the screen, I knew I’d barely be able to fall into a fitful sleep, easily able to catch any signs of distress.

When I finally closed my eyes, visions of beautiful little cabin even deeper in the woods came into my mind. The small yet beautiful house was surrounded by a lush field of green, wildflowers dotting the edge of a rustic fence. Exhaling, I rubbed my hand along Mustang’s chest, trying to allow myself to fall asleep. The quietness of the moment lulled me into a higher state of relaxation.

“No!” Mustang hissed, his body shaking. “We can’t get to him, Jake. He’s gone. We have to get out of here.”

I shifted, lifting my head, easily able to notice the way his eyes rolled back and forth quickly underneath his eyelids. What the hell was he dreaming?

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