The Music Demon - Victoria Danann Page 0,4

men in their fifties exited the rides and began unloading equipment.

Lyric strolled up slowly with two ice cold long necks and handed over her Regal Ale. She took it and clinked bottle necks with his Lonestar before taking a swig. The demon became temporarily transfixed watching her throat move as she swallowed.

“Band’s here,” she offered while looking at the activity behind him.

He glanced their way. “Yeah. No promises. But sometimes there’s a nice surprise at this place.”

“So. You’re a regular?” He smiled, took a swig and threw a leg over the bench so he could sit down next to her. “Is that no’ what they call it? When someone establishes a pattern of patronizin’ a particular establishment?”

“Yes, love. That’s what they call it. I’ve been here before, a few times. I wouldn’t say I’m a regular, but I am a repeat customer. I like the flowers at this time of year. Like the smell of cedar and cypress. Like the iced-down beer. And when I get lucky, I like the music.” He paused. “Do you like music?”

Shivaun rolled her eyes. “You’re no’ gettin’ round your promise. You were sayin’ you were careful with the date?”

Lyric noted that she remembered his exact wording.

“Did say that, didn’t I? It’s not a long story. I just meant that I picked the place and the date so the weather would be nice and the bluebonnets would be at their best.”

“You mean you brought me here because you knew the wildflowers would look like this at this time of year.”

“No. I mean I picked a date and brought us through the passes to this day, time, and place. Because I knew the wildflowers would look like this at this time of year.”

After a couple of seconds of visibly trying to process that, Shivaun squinted like she was trying to evaluate whether he was lying or joking. Clearly it had to be one or the other. “Riiiiiight.”

Lyric laughed. “You don’t believe me.”

“Course no’.”

“What day do you think it is?”

“March 17.”

He smiled into the bottle opening of his beer. “Go inside and ask somebody what day it is.”

“Are you makin’ me a fool?”


“Did ye cook it up with the bartender to go along with a joke on me?”

Lowering his voice and his chin so that his gaze burned into hers, Lyric said, “I’m trying to convince you that I’m the demon for you. I’m thinking that playing pranks is probably not going to win your heart.”

She stared for a few seconds before bursting from her seat and stomping toward the screen door that served as the entrance to Wet Willie’s Ice House. Lyric didn’t turn to watch her go. It was never a good idea to call extra attention to the comings and goings of elementals in near proximity to humans.

He took a draw of his beer and watched the last rays of sun highlight the pinks, purples, grays, and blues of a hill country sunset in spring.

After a few minutes the screen door slammed again and he heard Shy’s shuffling steps come up behind him. She reclaimed her seat.

“Well?” He smirked.

“Well, they laughed at me.” She surveyed the demon. “I guess you knew they would.” Lyric’s smile remained in place, but he said nothing. “They showed me the flyer advertisin’ the band playin’ tonight. Same as what’s written on that trailer. They asked if somebody was pullin’ my April Fools. ‘Cause it’s April 1st.”

“In a nutshell.”

“Head is spinnin’.”

“In a good way?”

“Do no’ know yet. Seems like I just found out I’m a creature who can be in Ireland one minute and in, um…” She looked around. “Texas the next. Just found out I can ask a flower to grow from nothin’. Now you’re sayin’ you can travel around in time…”

“You, too. Obviously.”

“You mean that I can accompany you when you do magic tricks with time? Or do you mean that I can, em, actually…”

“You can go anywhere you want so long as it’s anchored by Earth’s history and the dimensions that are attached to this reality.”

“So I could go to my parents’ handfastin’?”

“You could. If you have a good plan for what you’re gonna say if somebody asks who you are.” Lyric cocked his head. “Would you like to do that?”

After mulling that scenario over in her head, she answered carefully. “No. Seems like it might be an intrusion.” A light flashed in her expressive eyes. “Is that why you said I could no’ find my own way back?”

Lyric nodded and quietly waited for her reaction.

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