The Music Demon - Victoria Danann Page 0,31

would supercede his own, gradually. In a sense she was experiencing magical puberty. He reasoned that allowing the universal principle of maturation to take its natural path was the best course.

“The idea of you in a fight with a notscot.” He lied. “The answer is yes. I think you could take her in a fight. I’m also feeling a little lightheaded learning that you care enough to fight for me.”

Shivaun looked at her nails. “I did no’ say that. ‘Twas merely a hypothetical question. After all, we must talk about something or ‘tisn’t a date.”

“We don’t have to talk, but I like talking to you. Your perspective is… Well, I’ve laughed more and enjoyed myself more in the past two days than in the last several eons combined.”

Her eyes widened at that. “Really?” He nodded. “Sounds like you’ve been pretty miserable gettin’ your rocks off with so many females you can no’ remember who’s been diddled and who has no’.”

Again, he burst into laughter. “Great Paddy. I will never be the same again.”

She looked at him strangely. “You say Great Paddy?”

“I’ve recently learned that there are times when it fits like nothing else.”

She nodded. “Well then. You’re well on your way to understandin’ the Irish.”

“You want something to drink?”

“Aye. Sure. Ginger ale? No’ the kind that tastes like piss. The kind that’s sweet with just a little bite.”

The demon looked at Shivaun like he was Gollum and she was the ring just before tapping a glowing violet button on the table in front of them. He said, “The usual for me. My date will have a ginger ale. No’ the kind that tastes like piss. The kind that’s sweet with just a little bite.”

A gruff male voice reverberated around them in the booth. “I do not serve drinks that taste like piss and you know it. Say that again and I will show you a little bite.”

Lyric chuckled. “Just an expression, my friend.”

The demon must have been satisfied that the exchange with the bartender was concluded because he turned his full attention back to Shivaun. He couldn’t wait to see what she’d do next, but was quickly learning that he could be caught off guard by her unmatched unpredictability.

“Why did you lie?”

“Lie?” he asked.

“Ye forgot, didn’t ye? Forgot that I can tell when you’re lyin’.”

“I… ah…”

“Aye. ‘Tis what all liars do. Start sayin’ vowels to buy time while they’re trying to come up with a cover.” Lyric’s mood sobered, as did the expression on his handsome face. “If you do no’ think I could win a fight with that hussy, you could just say so. I do no’ possess the sort of, em, ego that has to be artificially propped up.”

Lyric’s chest heaved with a quick breath in and out. He realized for the first time how complicated it might be to be in relationship with a female who could judge truly each and every spoken word.

“I’m sorry, Shivaun. I want to tell you the truth. I also hope you know that, so far as I’m concerned, you are the most magnificent being in all the heavens and in all the dimensions anchored to earth.”

Her face heated with a blush as she absorbed those words. She was beginning to recognize the power that love could visit on hearts. And no wonder so many songs, books, poems, and even occasional wars were instigated by those very powerful feelings.

“I know you are no’ lyin’ when ye say such pretty things to me. I suppose I should say thank you.”

“Perhaps there’s a way for me to respectfully decline to answer questions if I judge the answer to be hurtful or counterproductive to my agenda.”

“What’s your agenda?”

He smiled his best demon smile that had never failed to get a thigh-clenching reaction. “Conquest.”

She chuffed out a half laugh. “If you refuse to answer, no matter how respectfully, ‘twill make me all the more determined to have an answer. And ye know it.”

Her eyes sparked with intelligence that made Lyric all the more determined that he would have Shivaun for his mate or extinguish his light for all time. After knowing that life could deliver joy on a daily basis, he couldn’t… wouldn’t go back to rare moments of musical bliss dotting an eternity of monotony.


“You can’t be dissuaded from pursuing this topic?”

“I can no’.”

“I believe you may have strength and abilities beyond what you already know about. More than I. More than anyone with the possible exception of Rosie.” Shivaun angled her head toward Lyric Copyright 2016 - 2024