Murderville Page 0,89

the flowers and exited the car before rushing inside. He hoped that the news would pull Liberty out of the funk that she had fallen into. Living out of different hotels for weeks at a time had not been easy, but he knew that it was especially hard for her. She was never allowed to leave, unless she was accompanied by A’shai. Since he was in the streets so frequently, she was forced to stay inside. He fully understood how her happiness had been jeopardized. But now that was all over, A’shai was ready to spoil her.

He rushed into the hotel room and picked her up off the bed. Her eyes were low and exhaustion plagued her as she rested her head on his strong chest.

“Stop Shai . . . you’re making me dizzier than I already am,” she whispered.

“I’m out, ma . . . I’m done. We have enough money to blow this bitch and to go somewhere safe,” he whispered in her ear as he nibbled on it gently, causing electric sparks to awaken her clit.

“I love you Shai. Thank you for doing all of this . . . for saving me,” she whispered as she put her soft hand against his cheek while staring him in the eyes. “What would I do without you?”

“You won’t ever have to be without me,” he replied. He scooped her off her feet and carried her in his arms towards the bed. Their lips danced sensually as they enjoyed a deep kiss. “I love you ma. I want you forever. Marry me.”

Liberty’s eyes widened and she pulled away from him so that she could stare him in the face. “What?” She was sure that she had heard him wrong. Although she knew that they loved each other, she never thought that he would ever make her his wife. The notion never even crossed her mind. While their love was deep, fate was always tearing them apart.

A’shai placed her on the bed. “I’m so tired,” she gasped as she looked up at him. A’shai chuckled as he hovered over her. “That’s all you got to say Lib? You gonna make me work for it huh?” A’shai climbed out of bed and Liberty followed him.

“Wait, Shai, I . . .”

Before she could finish her sentence A’shai reached into his duffle bag and removed a small ring box. “Let me do this right,” he said. “I love you, ma. Marry me. Be my wife,” he said as he got down on one knee.

Liberty nodded her head, speechless. She was so full of emotion that it poured out of her as her eyes misted.

“Yeah?” A’shai asked.

“Yeah,” Liberty confirmed. A’shai took her hand and placed the ring on her finger, then kissed it. He planted kisses on all five fingers, on the back of her wrists, on her stomach . . . moving south until he discovered her womanhood. Liberty gasped when she felt his warm tongue lap over her stiffened clitoris. He parted her lips and sucked gently while she moaned softly, her legs giving out slightly. He was making her weaker with every lick.

“Ooh, daddy,” she whispered. “I need it.”

“Me too, ma,” he replied as stood to his feet and devoured her. A’shai pinned her against the wall and unzipped his True Religion jeans. His dick was hard, and he unloosened the belt on her robe as he rubbed the head against her thigh. He kissed her, sucking her lips into his mouth and entering her simultaneously as he stroked her gently. He ravished her, taking her to heights so drastic that she felt like she was flying. A’shai’s sex was incredible, and he catered to every part of her body, expressing his love through his lust as he worked her over slowly . . . gently.

She threw her pussy back at him feverishly as she felt her orgasm building. She grinded and moaned as the head of his dick tapped on her spot.

“Ooohh, I’m cumming,” Liberty moaned. “Ooh, Shai . . . I’m . . . I’m . . .”

Suddenly Liberty couldn’t catch her breath as she gasped desperately for air and hit A’shai on the shoulder to alert him that something was wrong. Caught up in the rapture A’shai thought that she was into the moment until he felt her go limp in his arms. He pulled out of her, and his world crashed to his feet.

“Liberty!” he shouted as he put her down on the bed and put his ear by Copyright 2016 - 2024