Murderville Page 0,82

She climbed into the driver’s seat and attempted to throw the car in drive, but before she could even put her foot on the pedal, the Acura drove into her once again. Liberty felt the metal crunch into her side as she screamed out in pure fear. She mashed the car horn, trying to get A’shai’s attention without letting up.


As she watched the Acura back up once more, panic filled her. Wide-eyed, she stared at the car as its engine revved. She struggled to put the car in drive but the way that A’shai was parked she had nowhere to go. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact as the car burned rubber before her.

A’shai heard the horn sound off and he grabbed the gun out of the safe before he shot up the stairs. He raced outside, knowing that the way Liberty was laying on the horn could only mean one thing . . . she was in trouble. When he saw the Acura ram into the side of his car he chambered the first round of the .38, knowing that Baron kept it loaded, and then removed his own gun off his waist. He clicked it off safety in one swift motion and started spraying. The semi-automatic spit specks of gold fire as he aimed at the car while walking towards it. Fed up, he didn’t hesitate. He had a marksman’s aim and was trying to eliminate whoever was behind the wheel. He knew that Samad was gunning for him, and A’shai felt no remorse as he tried to send someone’s child back to them in a box. Bullets riddled the car until finally the driver reversed all the way to the street. A’shai didn’t stop shooting until the car pulled away. He ran and snatched open the driver-side door. He wrapped his arms around a shaken Liberty.

“You’re okay . . . I’m here. I’ve got you,” he assured as he kissed her repeatedly. “Are you hurt?”

“No . . . no, I’m okay,” she answered, her voice shaking as she slid back into the passenger seat.

A’shai knew that Samad had his killers after them. A man of Samad’s power didn’t take insolence without retaliation. A’shai had given Samad the ultimate sign of disrespect . . . he had snatched his bitch, and A’shai knew that the conflict was only just beginning. Samad was a man with limitless means. Whoever he wanted touched would be touched, and A’shai knew that the threat was real. Things would have been so much easier had he had his father backing him, but A’shai knew that this was not Baron’s fight. He had his own troubles at the moment, and A’shai was too proud to admit that he needed help.

“We have to switch cars. Come on,” he said. Liberty was shaking like a leaf in the wind as she climbed out and followed him back into the house. A’shai went straight to the attached garage, revealing three luxury cars. He grabbed the spare key to Baron’s Lexus coupe and then pulled off.

“We have to get out of here, Shai. I know Samad. He’s not going to stop, and the longer we stick around here the greater chance we have to get caught,” Liberty said, her voice still trembling. He could tell that she was shaken up.

“I know, ma . . . I know. I just have to handle a few things first,” he said, not wanting to tell her that he was broke. He had been depending on Baron’s stash. He knew that there had been close to $1 million in that safe and after paying Baron’s bail he was going to take a portion to get them safely out of town . . . but his plans had been spoiled.

“Handle what, Shai? Let’s just go . . . please,” she pleaded.

“We won’t get very far with no money,” he said.

Liberty paused and looked at him in disbelief. “What you mean no money? I thought . . .”

“Every dollar I had was in a duffel bag in the back of my whip when it blew up, and my pop’s safe was empty,” A’shai said in frustration.

“Who else had the combination?” Liberty asked.

A’shai paused as a light bulb went off in his head. “Nobody! The only people who can access that safe is me and my Pop’s . . .” A’shai suddenly remembered that he had given Nico the combo. “Fuck!” he shouted. “Nico took that paper.”

A’shai knew what he needed to Copyright 2016 - 2024