Murderville Page 0,79

that he wanted to. There was no doubt in his mind that he was attracted to her. Liberty’s body curved like a coke bottle . . . hips wide . . . waist narrow . . . and face as pretty as an evening sunset; she had to be the 8th wonder of the world. He went to her, sitting on the edge of the bed as he bent over solemnly. She crawled over to him and kissed the back of his neck, awakening his loins as her lips tickled his skin. His dick jumped and began to grow in his pants, but he removed her hands as he fought off the temptation. A’shai had two reasons for not wanting to sleep with Liberty. He didn’t want to take advantage of her the way that every other man in her life had done. He wished that his other reason was as noble, but it was purely selfish. He was uncomfortable with her promiscuous past. Just thinking of another nigga inside of her had him heated. He wasn’t mad at Liberty directly, but the situation in general was just fucked up. Too many men knew what she felt like . . . what she smelled like . . . what she tasted like and although A’shai was not superficial he couldn’t deny the fact that it bothered him.

“Why don’t you want me?” she whispered as she leaned back. A’shai turned towards her and saw the sting of rejection in her eyes.

“I want you, ma. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in this life . . . but I can’t help but think . . .”

“That I was a whore? That I slept with men for money? I can’t change who I am,” she stated sharply as she stood up and crossed her arms.

“I’m not asking you to,” A’shai replied as he looked up at her. He pulled her over to him, and she stood between his legs. “I’m a man . . . a jealous man when it comes to you.”

“You don’t have anything to be jealous of Shai. I’ve had sex with men . . . men who hurt me . . . who forced me . . . who hit me. I have never wanted to have sex with anyone in my life. I did what I had to do to stay alive. You can’t fault me for that. I hated every minute of it but I learned to become a great actress,” Liberty admitted as her voice cracked from emotion. “Even with you. The only reason I even threw myself at you was because I feel guilty . . . like I owe you something! I’m the reason that your mom is dead! I owe you everything for taking me away from that life but I have nothing. Shai, I have nothing to offer you! Sex is all I know. It’s all I have.”

Hearing Liberty’s words broke A’shai in pieces. She was lost and it was up to him to help her find herself. He pulled her down on the bed as he wrapped his arms around her. All of a sudden the men she had been with didn’t matter. He held her as she cried on his shoulder.

“Get it out, ma. Let it all out. Because after tonight we are both leaving everything behind us,” he whispered. “It’s you and me, Liberty. Fuck the world.”

Liberty’s body tingled and a moan escaped her lips as she spread her legs open. She thought that she was dreaming and that the sensation pulsing through her body was coming from her own fingertips until she glanced down between her thighs. All she saw was A’shai’s eyes as he looked up at her while licking her clit slowly.

“What are you doing?” she asked as she tried to sit up.

“Shhh,” he whispered as he put his hand in the middle of her chest and gently laid her back, all without ever stopping the rhythm of his tongue. Liberty closed her eyes as he worked her over and although she was tense at first, the more he satisfied her, the more relaxed her legs became. It wasn’t long before she was grinding into his tongue. She could hardly contain herself. The act of sex had always felt dirty to her, but with A’shai it felt right.

“Ooh stop,” she moaned as she felt her clit become tender as blood caused her labia to swell. “Shai . . . Shai,” she called out. Shai Copyright 2016 - 2024