Murderville Page 0,75

would have happened. A’shai’s bitch ass would be a distant memory.

“You heard from Shai?” Nico asked.

Baron shook his head, not wanting to speak about his son at the moment. Although he knew that A’shai wasn’t directly to blame for Willow’s death, he wasn’t innocent either. I can’t believe I’m putting her to rest today. She is the love of my life. What am I going to do without you? Baron thought. He cleared his throat as Nico put a firm hand on his shoulder and said, “We have to get going, Unc.”

Baron squared his shoulders, composed himself, and fixed his tie before walking out of the room. Even at his weakest state, he still radiated strength. His long stride was unflinching. The average eye could not sense the turmoil he was going through but those who knew him best could see that the light inside of him had been snuffed out. Willow had been his reason for everything. Without her, he was nothing. He would live out the rest of his days reliving their times together and seeking revenge. Killing Samad would not be enough because it wasn’t a fair trade. Willow’s life was ten times more valuable than Baron’s enemy so an eye for an eye wouldn’t do. Baron wanted to annihilate Samad’s entire existence and wipe him completely off the map. Baron walked into his foyer and shook hands with one of his workers. The man was dressed exactly like Baron and was the same skin color as his boss. Baron handed him a nice-sized wad of hundred dollar bills and nodded at him as the man was escorted out of his home with a bodyguard who was holding an umbrella up to conceal his face. At first glance the man looked just like Baron. He was a decoy for prying eyes just in case Samad had people watching him. Baron waited until the decoy had pulled away in the limo before he and Nico went to the five-car garage and entered his bulletproof black Infiniti truck. Nico pulled open the rear door for Baron and then got into the driver’s seat to escort his uncle to the funeral.

Bitter resentment filled Baron as he stepped out of the car. He touched his hip to make sure his pistol was in place and then discreetly scanned his surroundings. It was a private ceremony so any unfamiliar face would be considered an enemy, but all Baron saw were loved ones around him. As he ascended the church steps he noticed that his hired guns were in place and ready. Anyone who wanted to show up unexpectedly wouldn’t get past the front door. He had made sure to send Willow home in style. No expense had been spared. White calla lilies had been her favorite flower and they filled the church’s altar, surrounding her casket like an angel’s halo. The 14-karat-gold casket sparkled up front. He couldn’t believe that he was about to say his goodbyes. Inside he was broken, but outwardly he remained intact. There was nothing that Willow loved more about him than his strength and he knew that she would want him to stand tall in her final moments on earth. As he stood over the closed casket he bowed his head in silent mourning. The fire had completely singed her skin, not allowing for an open casket ceremony. He would never see her face again, but it didn’t matter. It was etched in his memory like the name of lovers drawn in wet cement. Nico tugged at his suit jacket to get his attention and Baron turned on his heels sharply in discontent as he stared a hole through him.

“Don’t disrespect my final moments with my wife!” he barked.

Nico took two steps back, his eyes wide as he stammered, “It’s . . . I was just . . .”

“Whatever it is, it can wait,” Baron said lowering his voice.

“It’s Shai. He’s here,” Nico stated.

Baron walked briskly towards the church’s entrance. Part of him needed to lay eyes on his son. They were all each other had now that Willow was gone, but the obstinate side of him wanted to place blame on A’shai’s shoulders for what had happened. At that moment Baron wanted nothing more than to embrace his boy and share his grief with the only other man who understood. A’shai knew what the world had lost. They were the only two who truly felt the blow.

A’shai got out of Willow’s car wearing a double breasted Copyright 2016 - 2024